Friday, March 4, 2022

March 3, 2022

Thursday March 3, 2022

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Up at 0645.  It was 19 and the temp will remain below freezing all day.  Unlocked garage door and brought up empty garbage can.  I think the Disposal Company empties our trash about 0600.

Calisthenics and took care of bird feeders before breakfast.  Nancy left at 0800 for her class at MVP.  Too cold for bike ride so I drove to the Y.

The Y slowly is beginning to get more members back.  Good for the Y and also members.   I just hope they return to the old policy of providing towels.

Calisthenics and 15 minutes on Stationary bike.  Shower and then headed to Panera.

Ordered baguette and coffee before settling down for my morning reading.  Panera was extra cold today.  Bummer, I heard a lot of folks complain.  I have considered taking a break from Panera.  I usually spend about 90 minutes reading.  With unlimited refills I drink way too much coffee.  My stomach is beginning acidic.  I have been taking several Tums when I get home.  

Got home about 1200.  I was going to help Nancy deliver book bags to her Book Club members.  However, she had already completed the deliveries to some members.

Quick lunch of yogurt, milk, and cheese.  

This afternoon Nancy and I ran errands.

First stop Meijer’s.  I was intending to pick up my nose drops.  But the Pharmacy had not yet got approval from my ENT Doctor.  Bummer!  I called the ENTs office and was assured that the prescription would be delivered within the hour.

Nancy had one more book bag to deliver.  We drove to Tim Mask’s home and  left the bag at the front door.

At home I spent rest of afternoon reading.

At 1630 we headed out to Marco’s restaurant.  We are meeting the Vances and Mastens.  The food is always good at Marco’s and tonight was no exception.  I had the whitefish and Nancy had meatloaf.  We both liked our choices.  

Pleasant evening with old friend talking, eating and drinking.  

At home we had time to watch another episode of “Stay Close”.

Checked Courtyard before turning in.  Everything ok.  Temperature will drop tonight to teens.  Typical March weather, cold nights and daytime temps above freezing.



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