Tuesday, November 30, 2021

November 29, 2021

 Monday November 29, 2021

Blog time 1115 at Panera

Up at 0700.  First thing, I did my at-home calisthenics followed by oatmeal breakfast.  Nancy left early for her Monday swim at MVP.

This evening Bob and Nancy are attending a dinner at Meijer’s Gardens.  It is suppose to be a black tie affair.  I have a tux that I bought in 1957.  Last year it fit, but yesterday I could not get the pants to fit.  Blame it on Covid diet?  I will wear a 45 year old blue suit that fits.

I drove to the Y.  Did my calisthenics, 1,000 meter row and mile walk.  Showered and drove to Panera.

Ordered my coffee and two baguettes before settling down for some serious reading.  The new Covid variant dominates much of the news.  Folks worldwide seem to be panicking.

One news story that I have not heard much about is the upcoming Winter Olympics in China.  There as been some inkling that President might boycott.  I don’t think boycotts work.

Got home from Panera at noon.  The squirrel proof bird feeder works but the squirrels keep trying.  Today I moved the bird feeder to a location that squirrels can not reach.

Before lunch I made a quick trip to Meijer’s.  Picked up my MG prescription and bought some green grapes.

At 1600 Nancy and I got dressed for our dinner at the Gardens. As I mentioned earlier my tux does not fit so I wore a 45 year old navy blue suit.  My biggest problem was tying my tie.  I have not worn a tie in over 2 years so it took several tries.  Nancy looked great.

Before leaving I put out my daily allotment of corn for the deer, 7 cobs.  It was snowing hard when we left at 1700.

Luckily the Gardens provided complimentary valet service so we wouldn’t get our feet wet.  The event was well attended.  I thought I might be one of the few without a tux.  I was wrong about 50% of men wore suits.

Drinks and snacks were provided in the new entrance meeting area.  This area was officially opened this evening.  Of course several short speeches were in order.

Nancy and I were surprised at how many folks we knew.  Trinity Church and Breakfast Club members were in attendance as were several old neighbors.  

The official banquet started at 1900.  It was a sit down affair.  The main course according to the menu was “Catalan Braised Short Rib”.  We all agreed that it was nice and tender.  The salad, rice and dessert were also great.

After some boring speeches the GR Symphony performed for an hour.  They performed a great selection of music.

We left for home at 2100.  During the time we were inside about 2” of snow had fallen.  All the cars were snow covered.  Luckily the Valet service brushed them off.

This evening Missy sent us a message that she had purchased tickets to GR.  They will arrive late Christmas Day and leave for LA on Jan 4.  Missy and AJ had planned to spend Christmas in Budapest with her college roommate Audrey.  Audrey had to cancel so Nancy suggested they spend Christmas with us.

Speaking of visiting relatives we hope to spend some time this January with Debbie in San Jose.  We love Debbie’s home and her neighborhood.  Last time we visited we became attached to her new dog Violet.

Before bed I shoveled the Courtyard walks of about 2” of new snow.  Checked the backyard and saw no deer tracks so I assume the deer have sheltered in place.  

Monday, November 29, 2021

November 28, 2021

 Sunday November 28, 2021

Blog time 1730 sitting in living room

Up at 0700.  It was 27 with a nice blanket of snow on the ground.  Dressed and then drove the Escape to Biggby to get our morning coffee.

I was pleasantly surprised that our driveway had been cleared.  Tahoe Drive was not yet plowed but traffic had made a path.  Of course All Wheel drive helps.  AWD is a must in Mi.

Breakfast today of oatmeal and banana.  Also ate a bagel I had purchased at Biggby.

Nancy was worried about snow covered roads so we left for church early.  No problems.

Church was not crowded.  Today is the First Sunday in Advent.  Pastor Dan gave a 10 minute Homily.  Is it in bad taste to time the Homily?

Because of last night’s snow we did not take our normal Sunday drive through local rural areas.  Instead we headed to Meijer’s and bought some fresh fruit on sale.  

I remember as a boy that fresh fruits were not available at this time of year.  My Mother and Grandmother would can fruits in late summer so we could eat them in cold months.  Now a lot of our fruits come from South America.

To get my 20 minutes outside today I took a 1.8 mile walk.  Average pace per mile = 27’43”.  Very slow!

This afternoon was uneventful.  Lunch followed by a nap.  I did put our corn for the deer.

We had a light dinner tonight.  Toast w/peanut butter and blueberries.

We watched some of 60 Minutes this evening.  60 Minutes is getting stale.

Watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  Nancy headed to bed and I finished reading the GRP. 

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok.

Checked the Courtyard just before bed.  Everything was normal.

Just before midnight I looked out our slider and saw 4 deer eating the corn I had put out earlier.  I never tire of watching critters.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

February 27, 2021

 Saturday November 27, 2021

Blog time 1900 sitting in living room

We had snow on the ground when looked out at 0700.  The temperature was in high 20s.  

This morning Nancy and I had breakfast at the Gathering Place.  On a cold morning it is great to sit down in a nice warm environment.  My biggest gripe about Panera is that it is always cold.

We took a short ride after breakfast.  We did stop at Panera to get our free coffee.  We took the coffee home.

Dropped Nancy off at home so she can start laundry.  I headed out on some errands.

Stopped at D&W to mail packages to Ca.  Next I stopped at Meijer’s for resupply.

This afternoon Debbie Facetimed.  She had purchased Hulu for us.  Debbie walked us through hooking up Hulu to our Apple TV.  TV.  Thanks Debbie.

This afternoon I mailed a short note to kids.  Walked to the postbox to mail.  It took me 37 minutes so I did get my 20 minutes outside. 

Miles walked 1.34, avg pace per mi 27’41”.  Very slow.

Watched some of the UM and MSU games.  Great to see they both won under difficult weather conditions.

It has snowed all day and we have about 1” on the ground.

Nancy fixed chicken rice soup for dinner.  It was great.

No news tonight.  We watched 2 episodes of “No Offence” on Acorn. 

The snow had accumulated about 1” when checked the Courtyard before bed.  For first time this Fall I got out the snow shovel and cleaned our walks.  I like shoveling snow.  Weird.

Visibility is increased greatly when we have a blanket of snow.  At 2345 I looked out our bedroom window and saw a big buck eating the corn I had put out earlier.  With no snow on the ground the buck would not be visible.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

November 26, 2021

 Friday November 26, 2021

Blog time 1130 at Panera.  

Up at 0700.  At home calisthenics before breakfast.  Breakfast and then I drove to the Y.  Nancy decided to take an easy day today.  No MVP today.

I did not take bike because the wind chill was in the teens.  

At the Y I finished calisthenics, walked a mile and rowed 1,000m.  Quick shower and then headed to Panera.  Got my coffee and baguette before settling down for some reading.  Once again Panera was not crowded.  How much longer can they hang on?

Left Panera at 1115 and headed home.  Picked up Nancy and we drove to Dick’s Sporting Goods to look at some possible Christmas gifts.

The squirrels have been robbing my bird feeder.  Our niece Jennifer Finnegan sent a photo of a squirrel proof feeder that they use.  They said it works great.  It was purchased at Tractor Supply.

We have a Tractor Supply store in Lowell. I made the trip to Lowell and bought a squirrel proof bird feeder.  It is really a slick design.  At home I took down to old feeder and put up the new.

The temperature has been dropping all day.  Winter weather advisory is up.

For dinner Nancy cooked the last of the pork loin.  It was great.

Once again we spent time on FaceTime with Debbie and Missy.  

Tonight we watched an episode of Vera.  I gave the show a B-.

Temperature had dropped below freezing when check the Courtyard just before bedtime.  It will be cold with snow tomorrow.

Friday, November 26, 2021

November 25, 2021

 Thursday November 25, 2021

Blog time 1130 sitting in living room


As a boy I always liked Thanksgiving.  The Scott family would all have our meal at my Grandparents farm at Hubbard Lake.  About 25 family members would attend.  We had food galore. Of course all the food was prepared by the women.   It was great.  

After the big meal the women would do the dishes and then everyone would sit in the living room.  On several Thanksgivings my Aunt Bernice would play the piano and we would all sing hymns.  It was impossible to starve on this day.

Memories of past Thanksgivings:

After all the kids were out of college and Nancy was still teaching we decided to take a long Thanksgiving weekend trip.  Our goal was to visit one big European City. We would not leave the City limits and use public transportation when visiting the different venues.  

After school on Wednesday we would head to the airport and catch a flight to Europe.  We usually arrived on Thursday morning and would leave on Sunday.  Spent a jammed packed three days visiting the sites.

The first trip was to Paris.  Next year we headed to London.  For our third year we visited Berlin.  Our last Thanksgiving trip was to Rome.  All were great trips.

In our 56 years of marriage Nancy and I have never been apart on Thanksgiving.  Most of our Thanksgivings were in GR but we did have several in Terre Haute, In and Alpena, Mi. I think we had one Thanksgiving in Saigon, Vietnam.  

While in the Navy my first Thanksgiving was at the Officer’s Club at the Pearl Harbor Navy Base.  Thanksgiving number 2 was at the Midway Island Naval Base in the middle of the Pacific.  Finally Saigon, Vietnam in 1963.

At 1130 Nancy and I drove to the Moleski’s for Thanksgiving dinner.  In addition Tim Mask joined us.

In addition to a great turkey we had squash and a special fruit dish.  For dessert we all had pumpkin pie.

We got home 1630.  No dinner tonight because we were still digesting our turkey feast.

Tonight we watched an episode of “New Tricks”.  We are not fond of this show anymore since they added commercials.

Today we talked to our entire family,  Debbie, Missy and Stephen.  They were all enjoying the holiday.

The temperature was in the 40s most of the day.  When I checked the Courtyard before bed the temperature had dropped to 30 with light snow.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

November 24, 2021

 Wednesday November 24, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Up at 0715 and did my full calisthenics at 50%.  Best thing I ever did was to ease up on Wednesdays.  It lets my body recover.

Nancy is swimming at MVP this morning.  This afternoon she works at the Gardens.

After a breakfast of oatmeal and banana I bundled up and rode my bike to Panera a distance of 1.67 miles.  First time in a week that I rode my bike.  The antibiotics seem to be helping my sinus infection.

Once again Panera was empty.  For most of the time I was there only two folks were in the dining area.

The day before Thanksgiving was alway an exciting day for me while in college. It was a long 7 or 8 hour drive from Ann Arbor to Alpena mostly on two lane roads.  The distance made it impossible to go home except for Holidays.  

UM was very strict about having cars on campus so most undergrads did not have one.  Finding a ride was difficult.  Luckily there were several Korean War vets attending UM on the GI bill from NE MI.  One was Cal from Hubbard Lake.  My freshman year I called Cal several weeks before Thanksgiving and begged for a ride.  Cal granted my wish.  We were leaving at 1230 on Wednesday.  As I recall we had 6 students in the car. 

Once a jerk Prof scheduled a test at 1300.  I had to take a Greyhound home.  If fact I used the Greyhound bus many times.

I got home from Panera at noon.  Nancy was getting ready to head out to Gardens.  

Tomorrow we are having Thanksgiving Dinner at the Moleski’s.  We have purchased a pumpkin pie for us to take.  Nancy said we should take a bottle of wine.  I got in Fusion and drove to Total wines and bought a bottle.

I took the recyclables and trash out before lunch.  Also started a load of laundry.  

After lunch I took a quick nap.  After the nap I started to take the trash to the curb when I remembered that tomorrow is a holiday so no pickup.  Dumb!

Our dinner tonight was light. Cereal and cookies.

Watched some of the TV news while eating dinner.  Tonight we watched an episode of “The Madame Blanc Mysteries” on Acorn.  We both like this show.

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We all were all upbeat.

Checked Courtyard just before bed.  Everything secure.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

November 23, 2021

 Tuesday November 23, 2021

Blog time; noon at Panera

Up again at 0700.  Apparently my new default time.

Nancy headed out early for a class at MVP.  Later we are going to Costco.

After at-home calisthenics and breakfast I drove to the Y.  Judging from the parking lot most folks who go to the Y are on a MWF cycle.  The place was empty.

 Walked a mile, rowed 1000 meters and completed my calisthenics before showering.  Drove to Panera for coffee and baguette. Started my reading with the Alpena News followed by the Detroit News and then my email.  Usually I only get 1 email worth reading.

As soon as I got home, Nancy and I drove to Costco.  We bought pumpkin pies (2), Cetaphil, snacking Naan, trash bags, toilet paper and paper towels.  Costco was not very busy.

On way home stopped at Aldi’s.  Nancy purchased grapes and two boxes of her favorite crackers.  Nancy likes this store, I don’t.

After lunch I took a nap.   During the nap Nancy told me to look in the back yard.  Four deer were looking around for some uneaten corn.

About 1630 Missy FaceTimed Nancy, a nice conversation followed.  Missy and AJ are having Thanksgiving dinner at the Boat Club.

This and that:

Why don’t women wear socks on cold days?  A mystery to me.

Build Back Better the infrastructure package just passed by Congress if administered properly will have a positive impact.

Noted that traffic on local roads is back to pre pandemic volumes.

I seldom use cash. 

I still don’t understand bitcoins.

The Citizens of the State of Maine voted to stop a power line.  The power line brings clean energy from hydro dams in Canada.  The main beneficiary are citizens of Massachusetts.  We will never solve our climate problems if good project are being shot down.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed pork loin with mashed potatoes and corn.  Very good.

Tonight we watched another episode of Shetland.  I bet Shetland would be nice to visit in summer but at this time of year they get about 6 hours of sun.  It looks windy, cold and desolate.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok in San Jose.  

Granddaughter Alessandra also contacted Nancy for written instructions on how to make Thanksgiving dressing.  Nancy said she does not have written instructions.  She will have to use the trail and error method.

Checked Courtyard at 2200.  Everything secure.  Noted a bright full moon.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

November 22, 2021

Monday November 22, 2021

Blog time 1015 at Panera.

 Up at 0700.  Do my at home calisthenics before breakfast.  I also set up the coffee maker so Helen and Nancy can have there morning coffee.

For the first time this fall I wore long underwear.  My favorite trousers are made of great stretchy material.  However, they are not warm. Long underwear helps. 

Nancy and Helen are leaving for Kitchen 67 at 1100.  They are meeting fellow Albion classmate Karen Horlings for lunch.

After my oatmeal breakfast I drove to the Y.  The sun was up and temps in mid 40s, which is great for November.  Noted the classes at the Y were full but not many individuals working out alone.

Walked, rowed and calisthenics before showering.  Headed to Panera to start my morning read.

It seems that the news media is taking a break from their off the wall reporting.  The SUV crashing into a Holiday Parade in WI and the House passage of the President’s trillion dollar social program dominate.

Mentioned in Sunday’s blog that Nancy and I made a dry run to the Kent Country Club from the Gardens.  We did this because Nancy was going to attend a dinner at the club.  She would leave directly from the Gardens in complete darkness.   After all that effort Nancy got a message this morning that the event at the Club is cancelled.  It is being replaced with a virtual meeting. Apparently the recent Covid outbreak in Kent County lead to the change.

After Panera I made a quick trip to Meijer’s to purchase bananas and a sub sandwich for dinner.  Meijer’s was jammed.  I think a lot of schools and businesses are taking Thanksgiving week off.  They were all at Meijer's.

Nancy and Helen got home from lunch at 1300.  Helen left immediately for Gaylord.  It was great having her visit us.

For dinner tonight I had the sub I purchased earlier. Also part of a scone, cottage cheese and cookies.  

This evening I sat in the den with Nancy we were both reading. At 1930 we then switched to Acorn and watched an episode of “Queens of Mystery”.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  She spent time getting Nancy set up on using ApplePay on her iPhone.  

It was cold when checked the Courtyard before bed.  Noted a bright full moon.

I think on this date in 1963 JFK was shot.  I remember the day.  I was in Vietnam and learned of the shooting at 0400 in the morning while eating breakfast.  It was shocking!

Monday, November 22, 2021

November 21, 2021

 Sunday November 21, 2021

Blog time, Monday at 1145 sitting in Panera

Sunday morning and Nancy and I are up at our normal 0700.  First thing I started the coffee.  

Helen is leaving today at 0900 with her Granddaughter Paige for a Crandall family reunion in Homer.  They will be gone most of the day.

Nancy and I left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  Temperature was in 30s and windy.  Church was well attended today.  Trinity has a large group of children attending Sunday School. A very healthy situation for a church.

Speaking of Sunday School.  My old Sunday school teacher is the Grandmother of the basketball coach at San Diego State.

After church Nancy wanted to dry run the route from Meijer Gardens to Kent Country  Club.  She has a meeting at the Club in early December.  It is on a Wednesday so she will leave from the Gardens to go to the meeting.  It will be dark when she leaves the Gardens.  We made a successful dry run.

This afternoon I made a trip to Meijer’s to replenish my yogurt, cookie, Ensure and Vernor’s supply.  I did not venture outside again today.  

I am on day two of antibiotics for my sinus problems.  Noticed no change yet.

I had a light lunch and dinner.  Helen and Paige arrived from Homer at 1830.  Helen said it was a great reunion.

The wind really picked up this afternoon.  High wind advisory was up for the area.  

Neither Helen or Paige wanted any food.  They had a huge brunch.  

After Paige left for home we sat around and talked.  Neither Helen or Nancy wanted any wine, so I drank alone.

The strong winds nearly blew me over when I checked the Courtyard this evening.  Temperature will drop the low 20s this evening.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  She had a nice talk with her Aunt Helen.

AJ also FaceTimed this evening.  She also talked with Aunt Helen.  AJ has Thanksgiving week off from school.,

November 20, 2021

 Saturday November 20, 2021

Up at 0630 this morning.

It was a cold 32 but no rain or snow today.

For breakfast we all drove to “The Gathering Place” for breakfast.  Nancy had her usual omelette with raisin toast.  Helen and I had oatmeal.  Took a short ride after breakfast.

Helen and Nancy went shopping and I took a short early morning nap.  I was cold and wanted to warm up.  

Helen had lunch with a friend who lives near our condo.  They ate at Sundance.  Both gave it rave reviews.

Every day I put out 7 ears of corn for deer.  I never see them eating but every morning the ears are stripped clean.

For dinner tonight we ordered a pizza, ham and pineapple, from JT’s.  It has been awhile since we have had a JT’s.  

I was surprised when I arrived that the parking lot was empty.  I was told the indoor dining area has been closed for several weeks. Of course staffing problems are the main reason. 

The three of us watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  

It was cold and raining when checked the Courtyard before bed.

I am finishing this blog on Monday the 22nd and cannot recall who FaceTimed us this evening, Saturday.  I think it was Missy and Debbie FaceTimed on Sunday.  I should start taking memory pills?

Saturday, November 20, 2021

November 19, 2021

 Friday November 19, 2021

Blog time 1200 at Panera

Up this morning at 0730.  Nancy left early because she had an early liver ultra sound.  This afternoon I have an appointment with ENT PA to get my left sinus looked at.

This afternoon my sister, Helen, is visiting.

No bike today.  It was cold and windy.

Completed calisthenics at Y, a mile walk and 1000 meter row.  I like the rowing routine because it is full body.  Good aerobics.  My avg heart rate for 5 minute row was 136BPM.  

Showered at Y.  The Y still does not provide towels.  They claim that it is too expensive.  I am not fond of bringing a towel. 

I drove the Fusion to Panera a distance of 1.25 miles.  Ordered coffee and two baguettes before starting my reading routine.  

At 1300 I met with PA at the ENT clinic.  I explained my history of infections in my left sinus.  She made a quick check.  

Bottom line I was given a prescription for antibiotics.  Picked up the prescription at Meijer’s later in afternoon.

This and that:

The Dems are close to passing their expensive Social Safety net and climate change measures.  I don’t like the gift to the UAW for electric cars.  Also the ability to deduct local taxes is a gift to the rich and penalizes states that budget wisely.  Only free spending states benefit.

Where is Chinese tennis star Peng Shuai?

I was surprised that Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty.  I think he deserves some jail time.  Carrying a loaded gun and shooting folks is not something that should be done in a free society.

My sister Helen arrived at our house in early afternoon.  Soon after Helen her granddaughter Paige arrived.  Nancy, Helen, and Paige went shopping for several hours.

Instead of going out Nancy fixed dinner.  We had pork loin, new potatoes, and a great salad.  Except for Paige we all had wine.

This evening we all sat around and talked.  It was great.  Paige headed home at 2200 and we headed to bed shortly after.

We did have a FaceTime conversation with Debbie.  Early this morning Nancy talked with Missy on the phone.  

Checked Courtyard before bed and everything was secure.  I did note a bright full moon.

Friday, November 19, 2021

November 18, 2021

 Thursday November 18, 2021

Blog time 1030 at Panera

Up this morning at 0630.  First thing I checked temperature.  It was 35 with a brisk 15mph wind.  My sinus infection is still bothering me so I decided to forego my bike ride.  Don’t want a cold wind blowing on the sinus.

Nancy is not going to MVP today.  She has a 1000 Dentist appointment.  Today they are taking measurements for her implant.  

I have a 1400 appointment with my Dermatologist.  It is my semi annual checkup.

After oatmeal breakfast I drove to the Y.  The Y has several morning group classes that are popular and well attended.  I would classify the classes as body pump and zumba. Most attendees are women.

This and that:

POTUS is telling the Saudis to boost oil production.  He is also limiting the USA from developing our abundant resources. Bad move on the President’s part.  Of course I think he has made several bad moves.

I got a positive report from my Dermatologist.  His parting comment was see you in 6 months.

Does anyone remember County Normal.  In my high school years we had a County Normal school on the top floor of the high school.  High school graduates that wanted to teach in a single room country school had to complete a short course at County Normal about one year, I think.  Completion meant you were eligible to teach in a 1-8 one room county school.

County Normals were discontinued in the late 50s or early 60s. A four year degree is now required to teach.

Both my Grandmothers taught in one room schools.  My Grandmother Scott taught in the Hubbard Lake school.  As was common she roomed at my Great Grandparent Scott’s home.  My Grandparents met when my Grandfather returned to Hubbard Lake for a short visit with his parents.  The rest is history.

We had a light dusting of snow today.  It would be good tracking snow for hunters.  So far this year I have not seen one deer on top of a vehicle.

I still don’t understand bit coins?

Restaurants in GR are still having major staffing problems.  Drive thru like at Starbucks seem to be thriving.  Every day I pass a neighborhood Starbucks and see about 12 cars in line.  I hate a drive thru.

Heated car seat are now a requirement for any car I own.

After my Dermatologist visit Nancy and I spent the rest of the afternoon changing pass words for our financial accounts.

For dinner tonight we had pea soup with cottage cheese and baguettes.  

We watched the news followed by an episode of “The Madame Blanc Mysteries.  Good show.

We FaceTimed Debbie this evening.  Everything ok in San Jose.

It was still snowing when checked Courtyard before bed.  Visibility with snow on ground is greatly enhanced.

Lunar eclipse (partial) tonight.  Good viewing time for GR is 0400.  I think I will miss it.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

November 17, 2021

 Wednesday November 17, 2021

Blog time 2140 sitting in living room.

The alarm goes off at 0530.  Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Checked the weather and was surprised that it was a very mild 52.

Light sprinkle when headed out. Stopped at Biggby to get a coffee to take with me to BC.  It was pitch black and traffic was heavy.

Usually right after I park my car I take a walk around downtown. Not much pedestrian traffic in downtown at 0645.  I did note a homeless man sleeping in the middle of the sidewalk on Pearl Street.  Found out the man was sleeping on a steam line manhole.  The steam exhaust was warm.

Good crowd at BC this morning.  Most of BC members are men but today we had four potential female members.  That is a good sign. 

We had a great speaker from Home Repair Services.  He explained how they provide home services to low income home owners.  Good talk.

At home I did my normal Wednesday chores.  As soon as Nancy got home we drove to Lake Michigan CU.  I closed my small account.  Nancy got help in changing her password.

Dropped Nancy at home and then made a trip to Macatawa Bank to deposit the LMCU money and also to get my password updated.

Made a quick stop at Panera for coffee and a chance to read the newspapers.  Before heading home I bought bananas at Meijer’s.

It has been raining all day.  Nancy normally works at the Gardens on Wednesday but because of the rain she was told to stay home.  

I did a load of laundry.  Also took a short nap.

With all the rain our backyard is a quagmire.  I had trouble standing up when took ears of corn out for the deer.

Light dinner.

Watched new show on Acorn.  The Madam Blanc Mysteries.  I thought it was good.  Acorn has a good lineup of shows.

It was still raining when checked the Courtyard.  The temperature was in the 50s but will drop to near freezing by morning.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

November 16, 2021

Tuesday November 16, 2021

Blog time 1900 sitting in living room

Up at 0645.  Checked temperature and it was 27.  Weather app said it will be sunny day.

Nancy headed out for her swim at MVP.  I do calisthenics before breakfast.  Dressed in my winter biking clothes.  Today I took my Cannondale with snow tires.  Left home at 0818 and took a shorter route, 4.28 miles, to Y.

At Y completed calisthenics and walked one mile.  Left Y at 1000 and headed to Panera.  Purchased coffee and baguette before starting my morning reading.   Not much in papers that I want to comment on.  Got home from Panera at 1200.  Shaved and showered before lunch.

As I was getting ready to head into the shower the doorbell rang.  I quickly got dressed.   It was a man delivering flowers for Nancy.  The flowers were from Debbie.  Nancy was pleased.

This morning Nancy had two dental appointment.  Thankfully both Dentists are moving ahead with Nancy’s new implant.

I did take a short nap this afternoon.  After the nap I spent the afternoon in the office checking the security of my passwords.

For dinner Nancy fixed chicken skewers with applesauce and baguettes.  Watched some of the NBC and the 1900 CNBC news.

Tonight we watched an episode of Shetland.  The scenery on the island is very interesting.  I wonder what two weeks on Shetland in midNovember would be like.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We told her everything ok in GR.

Checked the Courtyard at 2200.  Everything ok.  Temp in low 50s.  

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

November 15, 2021

 Monday November 15, 2021

Blog time:  noon at Panera

Up at 0700.  Nancy left at 0800 for her Monday swim at MVP.

I did some light calisthenics at home before breakfast.  No bike today.  I drove to the Y.  Once again the Y was not crowded.  Finished my calisthenics.  For my aerobics today I spent time on the Y’s rowing machine.  I did not experience any hip pain using the rower.  Maybe my winter aerobics will be on rowing machine.

Today is the first day of the fire arms deer season.  Opening day is almost a holiday in northern Mi.  Some small school systems close on opening day.

In my youth my Dad would leave the night before the season opened and head to Hunting Camp.  He would spend a full week at camp.  As I recall I think Dad only shot one deer.  Deer camp was about spending time with male friends.  Drinking, eating and playing cards were the main activities.

My Mom was a Hunter’s Widow.  She and her friends had bridge parties.

Deer hunting was so important that we always had to make the completion date for construction projects Nov 15.  As a practical matter, no workers would show up for the first week of deer season.

It was a miserable day to be outside.  I did run one errand to D&W.  Purchased naan and milk.

Spent most of day in office fiddling around.  Daughters Debbie and Missy keep telling me to check into Facebook because I have several relatives who are active.  I have a Facebook account but never check in.  I will add to my to-do list.

This and that:

Most of the leaves are off the trees.  We won’t see green until the end of April.

In my youth folks would rake their leaves onto the street gutter. The City would pick them up.  It was great fun for us kids to ride our bikes through the leaves scattering them all over the place.  However, one grumpy old man got mad he buried a concrete block in the pile.  Tommy Collins ran into the block and flew over his handle bars.  We lost interest running through the piles.

I still am ignorant of bit coins.  The TV business stations are always talking about bitcoins.  I do know that mining bitcoins requires a tremendous amount of energy.

I think POTUS is moving recklessly into green energy.  Folks still need a fossil fuels to heat their homes and drive their cars.  Wind and solar have reliably problems.

The temperature has been in the 30s nearly every morning for the past week.  Folks are still running and walking in shorts and tees.  BRR!

For dinner tonight I had my standard Monday night bowl of Cheerios.  Also blueberries, apple sauce and baguette.

After the news we watched a new show on Acorn.  It was called “Queens of Mystery”.  The show is entertaining.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  Cold in GR, warm in San Jose.

Courtyard was secure when checked just before bed.  No critters spotted.


Monday, November 15, 2021

November 14, 2021

 Sunday November 14, 2021

Blog time 1800 sitting in living room.

Up at 0630.  We had snow on the ground this morning although the temperature was slightly above 32.  Dressed and drove to Biggby Coffee.  Purchased a 10oz hazel nut for Nancy and a 16oz regular coffee for me.  Fixed oatmeal with a banana to go with coffee.

Once again the GRP delivery was delayed.  I had to go to church without reading the funnies. 

It was drizzling on our ride to Church.  Attendance was slightly above normal.  Once again Pastor Bob kept his homily below 11 minutes.

No Sunday ride today because we are taking our niece Paige to brunch today.  She is stopping at our house at noon.

We did stop at Meijer’s so I could pick up a prescription.  I asked the Pharmacist a good over the counter sinus medicine.  I purchased sudafed.

Got home at 1145 and Paige arrived at noon.  We had our brunch at the Sundance.  Sundance was crowded.  We had to wait 40 minutes to get a table.  Most of the delay was caused by staffing issues.

The good food was worth the wait.  Paige had pancakes.  Nancy had eggs, bacon, toast and fruit.  I had corn beef hash with fried eggs and toast.  We all raved about the food.  Today I splurged.  I purchased a Bloody Mary.  

After dinner Paige headed home.  Nancy and I sat in the living room reading the GRP.  I fell asleep.  Nancy told me to take a nap.  I complied and took a 2 hour nap.

No bike or walk today.  I call it a rest day.  Besides it rained most of the day.  

Finished the afternoon by putting out corn for deer.  Deer must have great night vision because we usually do not see them feeding during daylight hours.  When check in the morning all the corn is off the cob.   

We had a very light dinner.  Why not after the 3,000 calorie brunch.  Nancy had a piece of toast and I had a cup of yogurt.

Football was on all the networks so no news tonight.  We watched an episode of The Republic of Doyle.  

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Today was a milestone for Missy.  She closed her LA store.  She seemed upbeat.  She will continue operations using the internet.  Just like Amazon!

Light rain when making my check of the Courtyard this evening. I also noted that I had left the Fusion out.  The windows were frosted over.  Needed to run the defroster to clear the windshield.  First time this season for defrosters.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

November 13, 2021

 November 13, 2021

Blog time 1745 on Sunday the 14th.  Yes folks a day late!

Saturday the 13th.  We both got up at 0645.  Quickly dressed and headed out to The Gathering Place for breakfast.  The restaurant had several large groups so we did not get to sit in our favorite spot.  However, the oatmeal for me and omelette for Nancy were still very good.

After breakfast we took a short ride.  We ended up at the Lake Eastbrook Blvd Panera.  We got our free coffee to go.

Stopped at Total Wines to restock my supply.  It was only 0900 and the store was crowded.

Nancy started the laundry as soon as we got home.  I spent several hours putting up two new bird feeders.  All the weather folks say it is going to be a long cold weather.  Don’t want our feathered friends to get hungry.

In keeping with my preparation for winter I loaded up my Cannondale bike on the Escape’s rack and drove to the Ada Bike store.  I am getting the steel studded snow tires put on.  Can’t be too careful when pedaling in snow.

Lunch and then at 1430 I suited up and headed out on a 10 mile ride.  It was cold, high 30s, and very windy.  

I did make a quick stop at D&W to purchase two lotto tickets.  I always but lottery tickets on the 13th of every month.  I want to replicate my lucky 13 ticket in 1956 when I won a jeep in a lottery. 

At home I took a long hot shower.  As I stepped out of the shower I felt very dizzy.  I knew immediately that I had a sinus infection on my left side.  

Several years ago I had shingles in my left eye.  The shingles caused nerve damage to the eye and sinus.  I get the infections almost annually usually when riding my bike into a stiff cold wind.  My ENT gives me a prescription for antibiotics. It works.

This evening Nancy fixed pea soup for dinner.  Also had coleslaw and blueberries.  It was very good.

Saturday night is movie night.  Tonight we watched Tom Hanks movie on Apple+.  It was called Finch.  I did not like.  To sci-fi for me.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  It was cold with light snow.

Debbie FaceTime this evening.  Hot in San Jose and cold in GR. 

Saturday, November 13, 2021

November 12, 2021

 Friday November 12, 2021

Up this morning at 0700. 

Nancy headed out for her Friday swim.  At noon she has book club.

I checked my weather app and they said rain, although it looked ok at 0730.  Decided to believe the app and stay off my bike.  

Several calisthenics at home before breakfast.  After breakfast I drove the Fusion to the Y.  First time I had used the Y in over a month.  The place was empty.  

I did my normal sit-ups and leg raises.  However, I am still taking it easy on the upper body exercises, chin-ups, pull-ups and push-ups.  Hope to get back to normal in two weeks.  I rode the stationary bike for 4 miles and walked 0.5 miles.  Showered before heading to Panera.  It was pouring rain when I left the Y.

At Panera I ordered coffee and a baguette.  Spent 90 minutes reading the news.

Got home about noon.  Nancy had already left for Book Club.  I took a short nap before lunch.

Spent most of the afternoon in my office reading and writing.  It rained most of the afternoon.

At 1700 I drove to D&W to buy bananas and a turkey sub for dinner.  I also stopped at Macatawa Bank to make sure our accounts are in out trust.  Happy to report all accounts are in trust.

In addition to the turkey sub I had blueberries and coleslaw for dinner.  After dinner I watch the news on MSNBC for 30 minutes.

Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  It was just ok.

It was snowing when checked the Courtyard just before going to bed.  I did note deer tracks in the snow.  

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report. 


Friday, November 12, 2021

November 11, 2021

Thursday November 11, 2021: Veteran’s Day 2021

Blog time 1625, sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0630.  The temperature was a mild 46.  Nancy left at 0800 for her class at MVP.  I did my entire calisthenics routine at home.  Of course the upper body segment was at 50%.  Next week I will start the upper body at 60%.

After my oatmeal breakfast I headed out on my bike ride to Panera.  I took the 8.7 mile route.  Total miles today 11.6.

Ordered coffee and a baguette before settling down for some reading.  Arrived at Panera at 0945 and left for home at 1130.

Nancy is having lunch today with our old neighbor Sonya.  They are eating at The Gathering Place.

I shaved and showered before lunch.  I did get waylaid by not being able to find my charging chords for my bike lights.  After some effort I found them on the floor below my desk.  Bummer.

It started to rain hard about 1230.  Because it is Veterans Day no mail today.  

Speaking of Veteran’s Day today I asked several folks at Panera who I knew were veterans if they knew their service number.  They all did.  No one forgets this number.

Tonight I am taking my Veteran’s card to Applebees for a free meal.  Another Veteran benefit.

After lunch I spent the afternoon in the office reading.  

We left for Applebees at 1700.  The place was jammed with Veterans.  I could tell they were Vets by their hats and jackets.  Maybe I should get a Navy hat.  We waited about 20 minutes.

The free meal menu for Veterans was limited.  I ordered the 6 oz sirloin.  It was delicious.  It has been several years since we had eaten at Applebees.  Both Nancy and I were impressed with the food and cost.  We will be back.

At home we watched the news before switching to Acorn.  Tonight we watched another episode of “No Offence”.  It is crude but funny.  

Crescent moon when I checked the Courtyard before bed.  Rain and cold predicted for tomorrow.

We had Veterans Day contact will all three kids.  

Alessandra FaceTimed us this evening.  She filled us in on her love of being on a crew team.



Thursday, November 11, 2021

November 10, 2021

 Wednesday November 10, 2021

Blog time 1315 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0630.  Today is Wednesday my easy day.  Did all my calisthenics at 50% including push-ups and chin-ups.  First time in three weeks for upper body exercises.  No problems.

For breakfast today I biked to Panera a distance of only 3 miles.  Ordered oatmeal and a bagel.  Panera is so short staffed that they do not have any dishwashers.  My breakfast order was delivered in paper bags.  Of course all the tableware is disposal. Not a good dining experience.

This and that from todays reading:

Big problem this hunting season.  No bullets!  That’s right there is a shortage of ammo.

Long time GOP representative from St Joseph, Fred Upton has received death threats for voting for the infrastructure bill.  Good grief where do these crazies come from. I support Rep Upton.

The last KMart in Mi is closing.  It is located in Marshall, Mi.  KMart has its roots in MI.  Sad.

Small school districts in NE Mi are so small they sometimes share Superintendents.  Hillman, 445 total students, and Atlanta, 233 students had such an arrangement.  The Superintendent is leaving.  Tough to fill the gap.  It has to be  difficult to run a small system.  Why not consolidate?

Left Panera at 1000, Pedaled home.  Dropped off backpack and took my Bianchi bike with the internal hub for a 7.5 mile ride.  Ice and snow are coming this week so I took the Bianchi to see if I should put the snow tires on it or my main bike the Cannondale Bad Boy.  The Cannondale wins hands down.

After the ride, showered and then a quick lunch.  Nancy and I have a 1400 appointment to tour a new senior living apartment complex.  The complex has 52 units and is called Clark on Keller Lake.  We were told only 10 unit remain available.

Nancy and I were impressed with the units.  Of course they are brand new so it is difficult to find much fault.  

After our apartment tour we stopped by Fidelity to make sure our accounts are in our trust.  They were just the way our trust attorney wanted.

Spent the rest of the afternoon in office cleaning up.

For dinner tonight we had our normal fare of Cheerios and fruit.

Watched the news and then we switched to Acorn and watched episode 2 of Dalgiesh.  The show is kinda dark and gloomy.  We gave it a B-.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We talked about getting Bob and Nancy accounts in order so we avoid probate.  I think we are ok.

Also talked with sister, Helen.  Things are ok in Gaylord.

Bright crescent moon tonight.   Tomorrow will be our last nice day according to the Weather Folks.  Snow and rain coming this weekend.



Wednesday, November 10, 2021

November 9, 2021

 Tuesday November 9, 2021

Blog time 1600 sitting in office

Daylight started at 0724 this morning.  I was already up and dressed.  Nancy headed out early for her class at MVP.

I performed my sit-ups and leg raises before breakfast.  Tomorrow I will add chin-ups and push-ups.  My stitches are gone and the hand and arm look well healed.

It was 50 when I headed out on my 11 mile bike ride.  Today I dressed properly unlike yesterday.  I was bathed in sweat when arrived at Panera.  

Panera was nearly empty.  They are still short handed.  I wonder how much longer than can keep the dining area open.  

The drive thru business for most coffee shops appears to be thriving.  Every morning I pass a new Starbucks at the end of 28th Street.  They always have over 10 cars waiting in line.  I hate drive thrus.

This morning I read the Alpena News and my messages and emails on my mini.  I carry my mini when I bike because of its light weight.

This and that:

Read that the EU is experiencing a Covid resurgence.

Tried to schedule an appointment with our Trust attorney.  Earliest day was mid January.  At least someone is busy.

Today is the last day of our Indian Summer.  Temperature tomorrow morning will be below freezing.

I alway think of my home town as a quiet, peaceful lakeside community.  Reading the Alpena News it appears the community has a major drug problem.

Stopped at Staples for stylus ball point pens.

My hands are very sensitive to water.  Normal hand washing makes them break out.  I use a hand sanitizer with lotion. This seems to work, however, my hands become very slippery.  I have trouble using the iPads touch screen.  I solve this problem by using a stylus.

Finished the afternoon with a short nap.

For dinner tonight we had toast w/peanut butter, fresh blueberries, home made apple sauce and oatmeal cookies.

After the news we watched Shetland, season 6, episode 1.  Good show.

We FaceTimed this evening with both Debbie and Missy.  We are up today with what’s happening in CA.

It was still mild when checked the Courtyard at 2200.  Temperature will drop to 24 this evening.  

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

November 8, 2021

 Monday November 8, 2021

Blog time 1515 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0700.  Nancy headed out early for her swim at MVP.  Before breakfast I did my morning sit-ups and leg raises.  I promised Nancy no chin-ups or push-ups until Wednesday.

Had my standard breakfast, oatmeal with banana.  Left home at 0900 for my morning bike ride, 11 miles.  I did stop at mile 8 for my morning coffee at Panera.  Also read my email and messages.

Got home at noon.  Took and quick shower and then Nancy and I made a trip to Meijer’s to restock our supplies.  Monday must be seniors day at Meijer’s.  

Got home at 1400 and prepared my lunch, yogurt with fiber 1, soft cheese on naan, two hard boiled eggs and Ensure.  After lunch I headed down to office for some blog writing.

Except to put out 6 ears of corn for the deer, I spent all afternoon at my desk.  Tasks accomplished:

Finished monthly notes to Grandkids.

Paid several bills.

Performed my quarterly rearranging of my desktop.  

This and that:

All the Great Lakes are warmer than in previous years.  This is an indication of more lake effect snow.

Our Governor vetoed a bill that would have provided money to religious and private schools.  I agree with this action by the Gov.  The GOP in MI is much too conservative for me.

The Alpena News today reported on the serious shortage of butchers in NE Mi.  This does not bode well for successful deer hunters.

Where have all the turkeys gone?  I have not seen a wild turkey in two weeks.

For dinner I had my usual Monday night fare.  Cheerios with blueberries.  Also whole wheat toast.  The blueberries are from Mexico and excellent.

After the news we watched an episode of Dalgliesh on Acorn.  This is a new British crime drama.  We gave it a B.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening, I think.  Of course I am writing this blog on Tuesday and sometimes I can’t remember what happened last night.  Old folks memory fog.

 I do remember that the moon was bright when checked Courtyard just before bed.  Tomorrow will be another mild day.

Monday, November 8, 2021

November 7, 2021

 Sunday November 7, 2021

Blog time 1900 sitting in living room.

Up this morning at 0700.  We are now on EST so sunrise was at 0730 instead of 0830.  Great news because I am a morning person.

First thing after I did after dressing was to drive to Biggby to get our morning coffee.  At home, I fixed oatmeal with a banana to go with morning coffee.

Once again delivery of GRP was late this morning.  I still have problems with the GRP being printed in Ohio and then flown to GR.  I only had a chance to read the funnies before leaving for Trinity Lutheran.

Good news attendance at church was great today.  At our 0915 service we have a band.  Today they were in fine fiddle.

Today was All Saints Day.  Pastor Bob’s Homily was appropriate.

After church we took our Sunday drive.  Today we drove southwest to the City of Allegan.  Allegan County is heavily agricultural so we saw a lot of fields but not many forested areas.  It looks like 90% of the corn has been picked.  

Allegan is a very pleasant small city.  We spent time riding through the business district and pleasant residential areas.

After Allegan we headed north to Holland before heading to GR.   The ride took about 2 hours.  The temperature was in 50s with bright sun.

At home I spent time reading the GRP.  At 1430 I put on my bike clothes and took a short 7 mile bike ride.  The temperature was near 60.  A lot of folks were also taking advantage of the nice weather, walking and riding bikes.

Sunday afternoon, so I took my nap.  After the nap I continued reading the GRP.

This and that from the news:

President Biden got his infrastructure plan.  The Progressives voted against it but enough Republicans voted for it that it passed. The plan has several sections that I approve.  

The Global Climate conference in Scotland seems to be much to do about nothing.  The impact of any decisions will be marginal.

Michigan’s Governor wants to kill the pipeline crossing the UP and under the straits.  She is getting a lot of opposition from folks in UP and Canada.  The UP folks get most of their winter heating fuel from the pipeline.

The folks in EU are worried that Putin’s government won’t provide them with enough gas this winter.  With friends like Putin who needs enemies.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me two poached eggs on wholewheat toast.  Tasty.  Also had red raspberries.

I watched some of 60 Minutes before settling down in the den to watch an episode of Death in Paradise.  

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

Checked the Courtyard before retiring.  Everything secure.

The sunny warm weather will continue through tomorrow.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

November 6, 2021

 Saturday November 6, 2021

Blog time 1600 sitting in office:

Up this morning at 0700.  We dressed and then headed to the Gathering Place for breakfast.  You know you are a regular because the waitress has already placed your order.  Are we boring or what?

The temperature this morning was in mid 30s but at 0830 the sun came out bright and clear.  Tomorrow sun will be up at 0730.

We took the scenic route home stopping at LMCU so Nancy could renew a CD.  Also stopped at Panera for our free daily coffee.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I took an 11.3 mile bike ride.  Beautiful fall day for a bike ride.  Got home at 1230.  My super-duper Apple Watch said I burned 330 active calories. What is the difference between active and total calories?   My average heart rate was 102BPM.  The heart rate seems high?

Shaved and showered before lunch.

I spent the afternoon in office doing this and that:

After much effort I got our old Apple portable keyboard to work on my new mini.  I typed my monthly note to Grandkids using the keyboard and mini. 

I spent some time reading Alpena News, Detroit News and WSJ.  I think I am now up to date on the news.  Kind of depressing.

Continue putting the summer clothes away and gettin out winter clothes.  Our local NBC news outlet says we will have a cold and snowy winter.  

I watched some of the MSU vs Purdue game.  Did not watch the UM game.  

For dinner tonight we had chicken noodle soup with whole wheat rolls and red raspberries.  The raspberries were grown in Mexico.

I spent some time setting our clocks back to EST.  

Tonight we watched an episode of New Tricks.  We get the show on Prime but for some reason it has commercials.  The New Tricks staff has also changed.  New Tricks is no longer on our preferred list.

Nancy’s friend Kathy Kothe called from Indianapolis.  They spent a long time catching up.

Everything ok when checked the Courtyard before heading to bed.  

Saturday, November 6, 2021

November 5, 2021

 Friday November 5, 2021

Slept in until 0715 this morning.  The sun does not come up until 0830.  I don’t ride my bike until sunrise.  I have plenty of time to do my at home activities.  Thankfully, this is the last weekday of DSL.

Nancy headed out early for her Friday swim at MVP.  As soon as it was light enough I bundled up and headed out on my morning ride.  Gloomy and cold, 34, this morning.  Today’s ride totaled 11. 3 miles. 

I did stop about mile 9 at Panera.  I got my morning coffee and a baguette.  Read the Detroit and Alpena News and the Apple News.  I found nothing in the news I want to comment on.  I got home about 1200.

Showered and then my normal lunch of yogurt with Fiber 1, bottle of Ensure and soft cheese on naan.  

At 1400 I drove to the Dermatology Center.  I had the stitches removed from my left forearm.  In an out in less than 10 minutes.  Spent rest of afternoon checking finances and clearing my in basket.

Tonight Nancy and I attended an over 60 dinner for Trinity members.  We had a turnout of 26 folks.  It was held at a local Japanese restaurant, Ichiban.  

Nancy had fried shrimp and I had the scallops.  The food was very good.

We especially enjoyed talking with fellow parishioners.  The group is very congenial.  A good time was had by all.

No TV tonight because as soon as we got home we received a call from Debbie. Everything ok in San Jose.

I then called my sister, Helen, in Gaylord to see how she was doing.  I am happy to report that she is doing well.

Later we received a call from Missy.  Missy has been very busy lately.  She is closing her store and so must clear out all her inventory.  It is a tough job.  We wished her well.

My check of the Courtyard before bed found everything secure.  

Next week we have a warming spell.  Temps might reach 60s on Sunday and Monday.  Indian Summer?

I reread several recent posts.  I made many, many errors. Sorry about that.  I will make a better effort at proofreading.

Friday, November 5, 2021

November 4, 2021

 Thursday November 4, 2021

Up at 0700.  It was near freezing this morning.  Headed headed out early for a class at MVP.

Did my sit-ups and leg raises before breakfast.  I hope next week to resume chin-ups and push-ups next week.  I get stitches out tomorrow.

Today’s bike ride totaled 12 miles today.  I did make a quick stop at Panera for coffee and a bagel.  I have been taking my mini with me on my bike ride because of its light weight.  It is very irritating that I have to reconnect when I try to read WSJ, Detroit News and Alpena News.  Of course I cannot remember my passwords so I have open my lock box.

This afternoon while Kim was cleaning Nancy and I ran some errands.  First stop was Breton Village.  Nancy visited Talbots and I made a quick stop at Fitzgerald’s and Orvis.  Nothing purchased.

Last stop was Meijer’s.  We replenished purchased bananas, yogurt, radishes, Ensure and cookies.

Kim had finished cleaning when we got home.  Unloaded the car.  I had a quick lunch and then a nap.

For dinner Nancy fixed me a Trader Joe’s salmon dinner with corn.  Trader Joe’s frozen meals are just the right size.

Tonight we watched “No Offence” on Acorn and then watched an episode of Ted Lasso on Apple +.

It was 38 when checked Courtyard this evening.  No problems.

November 3, 2021

Wednesday February 3, 2021

Blog time 1800 sitting in office 

Up at 0515, Breakfast Club Wednesday

Dressed, left home at 0600.  It was 26 degrees but no snow near us.  My sister said Gaylord had 11 inches of snow overnight.

Stopped at Biggby Coffee to get a cup to take with me.  This morning it was free.

Pitch black on my drive downtown.  I wore my special nighttime glasses.

Small crowd this morning.  The Speaker talked about Senior programs in greater GR.

I stopped at Meijer’s on way home to price a small Bluetooth key board.  No purchase because they looked flimsy.

At home put on lined khakis and wool undershirts and took the direct route to Panera, 3 miles.  Ordered coffee and bagel and began reading.  

The big upset in Virginia was the main headline.  

Nancy worked at Gardens this afternoon.

The deer last night ate the corn I put out yesterday.  I unloaded the Fusion of the remaining corn.  I have a secure can that I store the corn in.  Put out six more ears.

It being Wednesday I did a load of laundry and took out trash.  I also found time for a nap.

Cheerios and blueberries for dinner tonight.  Tonight we watched Republic of Doyle on Acorn.

No surprises when checked Courtyard this evening.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

November 2, 2021

 Tuesday November 2, 2021

Blog time 1900 sitting in living room.

Up this morning later than normal, 0720.  Nancy was heading out to a class at MVP.  I slowly got dressed and did some sit-ups and leg raises before breakfast.

It was a cold 34 this morning.  I got out my winter lined bike pants and leather chopper mittens.

I biked along my Cascade/Spaulding route to Panera a distance of 8 miles.  This morning I saw two deer browsing along the edge of Charlevoix not more than several hundred feet from the condo. 

Noted a lot of leaves are falling.  When wet the leaves can make braking the bike hazardous.

Arrived at Panera at 1030.  The place was nearly empty.  Got a coffee and baguette before starting my morning reading. 

 Left Panera at noon.  Total miles biked today, 11 miles.  At home showered and shaved before lunch.

Afternoon errands:

Woodland Mall purchased 2 meter charging cord at Apple Store.  Stopped at J. Crew to look at corduroy and khaki lined pants.  Very limited supply.

Macatawa bank used ATM to get money for Kim who cleans Thursday.

Chow Hound: Purchased a 35 pound bag of corn on the cob. Also a 10 pound bag of bird seed.  Winter is coming.

D&W got some coleslaw for dinner.

No nap today.

Late afternoon put out 10 ears for deer.

Dinner tonight chicken thigh with dressing and corn.  Also Nancy’s special buttered toast and cookies for dessert.

Watched the news before switching to BritBox .  

Big election today in Virginia.  Looks like the GOP underdog might upset former Democratic Governor Terry McAuliffe in Virginia.  A GOP win would be a blow to the President.

Today in Detroit they are voting on reparations for ancestors of slaves.

Was anything accomplished at the Climate Conference in Glasgow?

Nationwide several local school board elections dealing with teaching of critical race theory, wearing masks, etc.  

Tonight we watched an episode of Shakespeare and Hathaway.  It was pretty good.

FaceTimed tonight with both Debbie and Missy.

Light mist when checked the Courtyard before bed.  Temperature will drop the 20s tonight.      

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

November 1, 2021

Monday November 1, 2021

Blog time 1919 sitting in living room.

Up this morning at 0700.  Nancy put on swim suit and was gone by 0800.  I did some sit-ups and leg raises.  No chin-ups or push-ups until next week.

I started to unload the dishwasher and noted the soap dispenser had not opened. I had to run the dishes again.  Bummer.

Breakfast this morning was the usual.  Oatmeal with banana.  

It was 36 this morning.  The sun will be up about 0830.  I put on my winter outfit including mittens.  

Today the Panera near our condo is opening their dining room.  I rode the bike to Panera, about 7 miles.  Stopped had coffee and did some reading on my mini.  Left Panera at 1100 and headed home.  Total bike miles today 10.

Nancy was running errands when I got home.  Quickly showered and then headed out on some errands of my own. 

First stop was Groskopfs.  I got a small portable stand for my mini.  Also stopped and Bill and Paul’s but purchased nothing.

Final stop was Bed Bath and Beyond.  I purchased a shoe rack that I can hang in my closet.

Lunch today at 1400.

This and that:

We did not have any Trick or Treaters on Saturday or Sunday.

Today is first day of November our darkest and gloomiest month.  When I was bridge inspecting I had to take a photo of all bridges I inspected.  In November when I took a photo at noon the flash would go off.

The deer are very active in our neighborhood.  Every evening we see a big buck and several does.  

I thought the Robins had gone south but today I saw one.  A very cold Robin.

Why did PM Boris Johnson pick Glasgow over Edinburgh to hold the Global Warming confab.

I found time this afternoon for a short nap.

For dinner I had a bowl of Cheerios.  First time in weeks.  It tasted great.

Watched some news before we switched to Acorn for an episode of Manhunt starring Martin Clunes.  We are getting hooked.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She is very busy closing her shop and getting her online business going. She was upbeat.

Temperature in 40s when checked the Courtyard just before bed.  Everything ok.



Monday, November 1, 2021

October 31, 2021

 Sunday October 31, 2021

Blog time 1745 sitting in living room.

Up this morning at 0630.  Drove to Biggby Coffee to get our coffee and a bagel for me.

Our GRP was delivered late today so we did not have a chance to read before heading to church.  As we were leaving we looked out our back window and saw a big buck and 3 doe in the back yard.

Church was not very crowded today.  Folks missed a good Homily.  Today was Reformation Sunday in the Lutheran Church.

After church Nancy and I took a nice ride.  Today we headed mostly north.  The colors were at peak.  We predicted that next Sunday more trees will be bare.

At home Nancy started reading the GRP.  I dressed in biking clothes and headed out on a 7 mile bike ride.  The temperature had risen to 50 so the ride was very pleasant.  First bike ride of the week.

Got home about 1400.  Before showering I looked out the back window and the Buck and does were still in the yard. I was able to get some great shots.  I sent them to kids.

Spent the afternoon reading the papers.  Highlights of the news:

President Biden has spent his time in Rome bragging that the USA is back.  Did we ever leave?

I still don’t know how a universal tax works?  

I do know that I am opposed to any government payment to folks who purchase an electrical vehicle. This is a program for the rich.  If you want an EV you should pay full price.

Headlines in today’s paper had high praise for MSU.  I think it is deserved.

Watched some of the Lions game.  They were miserable.

No nap today.

For dinner tonight we cleaned the refer.  After dinner I fired up the dishwasher.

No 60 Minutes tonight.  We watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  Not very good.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok.

Checked courtyard this evening and everything secure.  I was in bed before 2200.