Monday, August 31, 2020

August 30, 2020

 Sunday August 30, 2020

Blog time 1130 on Monday August 31, 2020 at Panera

I should make a rule that if I cannot finish a blog within 24 hours I should forget it.  

Sunday morning I was up at 0700.  I dressed and then drove to Panera to get our coffees.  

Breakfast, read some of the GRP before setting up for this morning’s 25th streaming of the service at Trinity Lutheran.  We really miss attending live church service.  

I have two nice light weight Sport Coats that I usually wear to Church or a concert.  I have not worn them this summer.

Nancy’s ankle is slowly healing.  Today she took a mile walk.

After church I went on a 10.75 mile bike ride.  The only critters I saw were geese.  Thousand of geese.

Showered and then had a late lunch.  This afternoon I took a short nap.  Lately afternoon naps are continually being interrupted by robo calls from politicians.

Speaking of phones I heard where fourth graders were given an rotary phone and asked to make a call.  They failed.

In my youth before even rotary phones, you would pick up the receiver and wait for an operator to answer.  She would ask for the number you wanted and then she would connect you.  Most of the phone operators were women.

Making a long distance call was difficult.  Once a month my Grandmother Hughes would call my Uncle Fred in Philadelphia. She would place her call with the local operator and then wait.  As I recall it took about an hour to make the connection in Philadelphia.

Politics, social unrest and Coronavirus dominates the news.  I think the networks are beginning to get a backlash about biased reporting.  CBS has been advertising that they just report and you decide.  

Nancy talked with all our kids today.  Of course the first item we talk about is health.  

We are glad that Debbie has pulled through her bout with the Coronavirus. She has the antibodies.  She still has some lingering fatigue.  

Missy and Stephen are dealing with the start of school.  It is complicated.  Nancy said she was glad she was not teaching.

Late this afternoon I took a 1.25 mile walk.  For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with soft bread and spinach pie.

We watched an episode of The Trial.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched the Finnish cop show Deadwind.  I fell asleep as soon as it started and woke up a two hours later.

It was cool, 58, when I check the yard.

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