Tuesday, August 25, 2020

August 24, 2020

Monday August 24, 2020

Blog time 1100 sitting on deck

Up at 0600 to take pills.  Back to bed and finally got up at 0730. Really lazy during my five days of convalescence.  Today is the last day, tomorrow I resume my calisthenics and bike ride.  Or as one maggot said to another “tomorrow we start in dead earnest”.

Bright sun when got up.  Another hot day with temps in 90s.  

Nancy’s ankle is still bruised and swollen.  She called Dr Kutsche and has a 1400 appointment.

This morning I drove to Panera to get my morning coffee.  My heavily bruised face would gross out anyone who looks at me.  However, the face mask covers everything.  Another upside to wearing a mask.

Also made a quick trip to Meijer’s to get more yogurt.  At 0830 Meijer’s was empty.

Breakfast this morning was oatmeal with yogurt, a banana and glass of milk.  I think yogurt in my oatmeal will become my default breakfast item.

Spent several hours sitting on deck doing my morning reading.  It is now 1130 and I think in 30 minutes the entire deck will be in the sun.  Can’t use my iPad in bright sun so I will go inside and start reading magazines.

This and that;

Today starts the GOP convention.  Our President is featured every day on the four day schedule.  The ego on this man is amazing.  Saw some polling data this morning.  President Trump is 10 points behind Joe Biden.  The polls in 2016 showed the same advantage for Clinton.   I thought in 2016 that no way Trump could beat Clinton.

I would like to know the number of viewers watching professional sports?  

On this date 11 years ago Missy, Nancy and yours truly were in Kazakhstan.  Missy had to appear before a panel to see if they would allow Missy to adopt AJ.  They approved and Missy was overwhelmed.  Big milestone in Missy’s life.

First thing this morning I looked out the slider and saw the two fawns playing in our back yard.  They still have their spots and look healthy.  We have not seen the mother in several months.  Car accident?

After a lunch of yogurt, Ensure and a croissant I retired to the living room.  The temperature was 89.  Turned on the AC.

This afternoon I read back issues of ENR.  In fact it was three years worth.  I have now finished all the print back issues.  I now only get the digital issue of ENR.  No more paper copies.

Doctor Kutsche thought Nancy just had a bad ankle sprain.  However, he recommended an X-ray.  Nancy complied and should have results tomorrow.

After her Doctor’s appointment. Nancy picked up our old neighbor and took her shopping.  Sonya can no longer drive.

During my recuperation I have not done any exercise.  Not even a short walk.  During this same period I have not taken an afternoon nap.  Draw your own conclusion.

Finished the last ENR at 1730, just in time for dinner.  Nancy tonight fixed me scrambled eggs with spinach pie.  Love spinach pie.

After the news we watched the final two episode of The Commander, a show about Scotland Yard’s highest ranking women.  The show ended on a down note, the Commander resigned.

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok.

It was 75 when I checked outside at 2200.  The low temperature this evening will be in low 70s. However, I turned the AC off because we like fresh air and the sound of the birds in the morning.


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