Sunday, August 16, 2020

Saturday August 15, 2020

 Saturday August 15, 2020

Blog time 1500 sitting in office.

Up at 0630, dressed and then walked to Panera.  The sun was just coming out.  The temp will be in mid 80s today.

Nancy had her coffee and I had oatmeal and a toasted bagel.  We talked about dinner tonight.  We are taking the Moleski’s to dinner at Brann’s.  We planned to sit outside but our weather app said it might be raining.

Did you know that today is VJ DAY? On this date in 1945 the Japanese surrendered, thus ending WW II.  I remember the day well.  My Dad and I were just ending a visit to my Uncle Bill’s.  All of a sudden the church bells starting ringing.  We were confused why were the bell’s ringing?  My Dad was the City Manager of Alpena.  He saw the Fire Chief, Tanky McGinn driving down the street.  He hailed him down and asked why the church bells.  The Chief said the Japanese had surrendered.

At home Nancy started the laundry and I took a 10.5 mile bike ride.  Got home at noon and shaved my face and head before showering.  

Today I had my standard lunch.  Spent time in office checking emails and writing blogs.  Took a short nap.

This and that;

The USPS is in the news lately.  They are massively in debt.  Folks are worried that they won’t be able to handle the November absentee ballots.  It looks like they want a big bailout. A big cost saver would be to stop Saturday deliveries.

Massive heat wave in Ca.  The Power Companies are having problems meeting AC demands.  The temperature in many parts of the state have been above 100 for almost a week.  126 in Death Valley.

Checked several US papers and they made no mention of VJ DAY.  The UK’s Telegraph had several stories.

Our Immigration Service does not get good marks for it’s handling of immigrant children.

It rained hard about 1630 and we thought no sitting outside tonight.  However, when we got to Brann’s at 1730 the rain had stopped.  We sat outside and had a pleasant meal with the Moleski’s.

At home we watched an episode of Unforgotten.  Debbie and Alessandra FaceTimed tonight.  Nancy provided Alessandra with some Patton family stories.  It was very hot in San Jose so they stayed inside all day in the AC.

We also talked with Missy.  She is having problems with her hearing aid.  Has an appointment with repair folks on Monday.  Missy has been sending us photos of all the homeless tents on San Vicente Blvd.  The tents take up an entire sidewalk and go on for what looks like blocks. The home owners in the area have to be furious.  

Very pleasant 70 when I checked outside at 2200.  The nice weather continues tomorrow. 

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