Thursday, August 6, 2020

Wednesday August 5, 2020

Wednesday August 5, 2020

Blog time 1200 at Panera

Up at 0646.  It was sunny but a cool 53.

Nancy said we had a beautiful full moon last night.  I missed it.

No walk for Nancy today because she has a 0900 appointment at the Motor Vehicle office to get her Drivers License renewed.  

This afternoon she is working at the Gardens.  She was glad they called her back.  She enjoys this work.

Today is my easy day.  Calisthenics at 50% and a gentle bike ride.  In the past on my easy Wednesday I would have a big breakfast at a local restaurant.  I liked two eggs over easy, short stack of pancakes, hash browns and toast with peanut butter.  Today I had my oatmeal breakfast at home. 

I took a short ride, 7 miles vs 10.5.  Showered and headed to Panera.

This mornings Alpena News reported on elections results from yesterday.  I was pleasantly surprised that all local property tax proposals easily passed.  Northeast Michigan is having some tough time so for the citizens to support these Quality of Life issues is heartening.

This and that:

The Beirut explosion was enormous.  News reports said that a warehouse was storing tons of ammonium nitrate.  Ammonium nitrate was at one time the main ingredient in gunpowder.  However it is unstable and is no longer used.  Storing tons of an unstable explosive without safe guards is an act of extreme incompetence.

The search for a Coronavirus vaccine has thousands of PHD’s working overtime.  I just hope it is thoroughly test before released to public.  Would you use a vaccine made in China?

Will Congress ever pass an economic relief package.  The news outlets just show our political leaders spewing venom.  I sure hope reasonable heads are working in the background.

President Trump has destroyed the GOP.  No leader has emerged to call him out.  Good riddance!

Does anyone follow Baseball, Hockey or Basketball.  I sure don’t.

Got home at 1300.  Nancy had already left for the Gardens.

Lunch and then started afternoon activities;

Took out  trash and recyclables.

Did a load of laundry.


Took a 1.33 mile walk.

We had our standard light Wednesday dinner.  Cheerios with blueberries and croissant.

Watched the news until 1930.  Switched to Apple TV and watched an episode Midsomer Murders.  I think we are in Season 16.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us tonight.  We gave a positive report.

It was cool when I made my 2200 check outside.  Temperature will drop to low 50s tonight. 


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