Monday, August 17, 2020

Sunday August 16, 2020

 Sunday August 16, 2020

Blog time 1900 sitting I living room.

Up at 0630.  Nancy headed out on her morning walk.  I dressed and drove to Panera.  Purchased coffee for Bob and Nancy.  At home fixed breakfast, Oatmeal, bagel and banana.

Set up iPad in living room so we could watch the streaming Trinity Lutheran service.  This was the 23rd consecutive streaming service.

Read some of the GRP before heading out on an 8.5 mile ride.  Another great day, sunny, temp in low 70s temps.  After shower I took the Escape to get it filled up.  Gas was $2.07 per gallon.

Today I started the medical procedures for my Wednesday dental surgery.  Today’s medicine includes a mouth wash, a spray placed under my tongue and finally I apply a gel to my upper jaw.  I do this three times a day for at least a week.

Quick lunch and then finished reading the GRP.  Also checked some online news.  

This and that:

The High School football season in Mi has been postponed to Spring.  Non-contact outdoor sports like tennis, golf and cross country are still on.  Who plays football in the Spring?  Why not just cancel the season to Fall 2021?

Speaking of sports I have no interest in the current Baseball Season.  Basketball and Hockey are totally off my radar.

The start of school is still undetermined, full attendance, hybrid or all online?  Kids and parents must be confused.  Nancy said she was glad she was no longer teaching.

As a boy I always enjoyed listening on the radio to the Presidential Conventions every four years.  All the yelling, speech making and drama leading up to the voting by each State.  I remember in 1952 I even had a tally sheet to record each state’s vote.  All the hoopla will be gone this year.  The Conventions will be online.  Monday starts the Dem convention. I probably will watch the first night just to see the how it works.

During the Coronavirus lockdown I keep hearing about young folks out partying and then going home and giving it to their parents or in multi generational houses their grandparents.  Young folks don’t think.

Speaking of multi generational household I grew up in one.  My grandmother Hughes owned the home we grew up in.  I remember that it worked well.  We did not have any conflicts especially since we had only two bathrooms.

Took a quick nap and then a mile walk.  Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I had mine with dinner rolls.

Tonight we watched the last episode of Unforgotten.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and continued watching the Polish Cop show on Netflix.

Both Debbie and Alessandra FaceTimed this evening.  It is very hot in San Jose but they found time for a trip to Costco.  

Missy FaceTimed and reported she is enjoying her freedom.  AJ is still up at Bear Lake with a friend.

Turned the AC off before heading to bed.     


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