Saturday, August 15, 2020

August 14, 2020

 Friday August 14, 2020

Blog time 1230 at Panera

Alarm goes off at 0615.  Today I have a 0900 appointment with the Dental Surgeon.  I did my calisthenics at 75%.  Showered and had a quick breakfast.

Nancy headed out at 0630 for her morning walk.  Today she is hosting her Book Club at noon.

Spent 90 minutes in the Dentist’s office.  Signed many forms telling me everything that could go wrong during surgery.  I asked if the Surgeon is so good how come I had to sign these forms?  Just a precaution I was told.

They took more impressions and a full jaw X-ray.  I was given several prescriptions that I will need.  Dropped the prescriptions off at Meijer’s on way home.

At home changed into bike clothes and headed to Panera.  For coffee and some reading. 

It is now 1230 and I am heading out on an 8 mile ride.  Hope to be home after BC.

Got home from the ride at 1400 just as BC was ending.  Showered, dressed and had a quick lunch.  Nancy said BC was a success.  Have some Costco pinwheel sandwiches left over so I know what I will have for dinner.

After lunch drove to Meijer’s to pick up prescription.  The Dental Surgeon prescribed six different medicines.  I was surprised the cost was less than $25.

This afternoon I took a short nap.  As mentioned earlier I had pinwheel sandwiches for dinner.  Also had coleslaw and a croissant.

Watched NBC news and the Brooks and Shield debate on PBS.

Debbie was right.  To get our Prime Video back all I had to do was unplug the system for a minute and plug it back in.  It worked.  Sometimes simple works!

We watched two episodes of Unforgotten.  Good show.

When I went out at 2200 I encountered a small skunk.  Turned around and headed inside.  Shrunk wins!

Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  She is enjoying her alone time with AJ visiting friends in the mountains.

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