Friday, August 21, 2020

Thursday August 20, 2020

 Thursday August 20, 2020

Blog time 1035 sitting in office

I got up at 0600 and took three pills before heading back to bed.  Nancy did not walk today because she sprained her ankle yesterday.  It is really swollen.

Finally got up at 0715.  I spent a pretty restful night.  I did get up at 0200 and took a pain pill.  The pills are working.

For breakfast I had my normal oatmeal but I mixed plain yogurt with it.  Pretty tasty.  Also had a banana and glass of milk.

Nancy said my jaw was swollen and bruised.  I checked in the mirror and determined Nancy was right.  Today will be a truly easy day.  I will stay inside and do nothing but read.

Nancy did make a quick run to her Credit Union to renew a CD. This afternoon she is going over to Sonya’s apartment for wine. Sonya is our old next door neighbor.

My activities included reading all the news including a print edition of the GRP before noon.

Took a short morning nap followed by lunch.  Lunch today was yogurt with a piece of soft white bread.  Also drank a bottle on Ensure.

I started catching up on some old issues of magazines.  Nancy as a teacher got specials on low cost magazine subscriptions.   One magazine we get is Vanity Fair.  I read several issues and determined that it was way too liberal for me.  I gave a magazine a D rating.

Late this afternoon I watched a Netflix Polish small town cop show called ZNAKI.  I give this show a solid B.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed split pea soup.  It was good.

After the news we watched two episodes of Line of Duty on Acorn.  Good show.

It was a pleasant 75 when I made my yard inspection at 2200.  Big warmup coming tomorrow.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  AJ is back home and today they went swimming.  It has been hot in LA.  


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