Thursday, August 27, 2020

August 26, 2020

Wednesday August 26, 2020

Blog time 1700 sitting in living room with AC on.

The alarm goes off at 0615.  Today is Breakfast Club so I have to get some calisthenics done and have breakfast before BC starts at 0730.

Nancy was just getting up when she called me to look out the window.  In our backyard were the two spotted fawns and their mother.  We have not seen the mother in some time and I had assumed she had been hit by a car.  Great to see her.  They all looked healthy.

Did not have time to get a coffee but Nancy drove to Panera and got me one.  Today’s speaker was the retired Athletic Director of GVSU.  He talked about the impact of the Coronavirus on college sports.  It was a great talk.  Two things I took away from the talk.

1.  The folks running the NCAA and major conferences especially the Big Ten and PAC 10 are listening to facts before making their decisions.  The Speaker supported the cancellation of college football.

2. The folks running TV and radio sports shows are just babbling without facts.  I happen to agree. 

After BC took an easy 9.5 mile bike ride.  Sunny and hot but I was taking it easy so hardly worked up sweat.  The only critters I saw on the ride were large flocks of geese.  The geese have crowded out the wild turkeys.  Powers that be must start a control program to reduce flock.

Blog resumes on Thursday August 27 at 1230. Today I am using my Apple laptop.  I like the iPads word processor better than the laptops.  

After Wednesday' ride I took a shower and then started Wednesday chores.  Laundry, trash etc.  

Nancy is working at the Gardens today.  She was glad to be called in.  She left at 1230.

Lunch and then continued chores.  We have been having problems with our washer.  Nancy noted black spots on the whites.  I ran the cleaning cycle and it seemed to work.  The whites today came out clean.

Today I continued reading back issues of Fortune.  Stopped at the July 2020 issue.  One more day reading Fortune.  My next job will be to read back issues of Time.

Found time to take a short nap.  The temperature in the house was 80 at 1600 so I turned on AC.  

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed Tomato soup.  It tasted great.  Long time since I had tomato soup.  Also spinach, pineapple and a croissant.

Watched some news before switching to Apple TV.  Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murder.

Debbie and Missy Facetimed us this evening.  It was warmer in GR than CA.  We told the girls that Mom and Dad were doing fine.   Every day in every way we are getting better and better.

It was 79 when made my 2200 check outside.  Left the AC on until midnight.  Heat continues tomorrow. 



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