Thursday, August 13, 2020

Wednesday August 12, 2020

 Wednesday August 12, 2020

Blog time 1230 sitting in office

Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Set the alarm for 0615.  

Calisthenics at 50% and then drove to Panera to get a coffee and bagel.  Back at home breakfast with oatmeal, bagel and banana.

BC today was again on Zoom.  Today’ sound quality was not very good.

The speaker was CEO of Cherry Street Health, Tasha Blackmon. She explained the operation.  This is the largest health service in MI.  They provides Health services to folks of limited mean.  Good talk.

After BC I took a nine mile bike ride.  It was sunny with temps in high 70s.  Lot of bikers and walkers were out enjoying the day.

Shower and then spent some time on the iPad reading emails, etc.  I tried sitting out on the deck.  Picked a shady spot.  I need shade to see the screen.  It worked ok until my shady spot became sunny. 

Today my chores include; gathering up and taking out trash, doing a load of laundry.  Typical Wednesday chores.

Lunch at 1300 followed by a short nap.  At 1730 took a short walk.  It was hot, high 80s.  Low humidity so walking was pleasant.  

Our condo is very well insulated.  The temperature inside was in mid 70s all day.  No need for AC.  We enjoy sleeping with windows open.

Blast from past:

In the summer of 1960 I had a summer job with the Vermont Highway Department.  I did not know how I would get to Vermont because I had limited funds.  

The day before leaving a fraternity brother asked that I join him on at trip to a race track.  Because of limited funds I did not want to bet.  My friend grabbed two bucks from my wallet and placed a bet on the last race of the day.  The horse won.  The payout was $35.  With this money I took the train to Vermont.  The horse’s name was Will of Allah.  

It was a great job.  I was assigned to a traveling survey crew so we traveled all over the state.  The state paid for our motel which was a big saving for me.  I just paid for weekend lodging.

Vermont is a beautiful state.  I was 22 so a fellow survey crew member and I were able to enjoy the many pleasant Vermont pubs.  The big news in the summer of 60 was the Democratic Convention.  We would watch on the Pub’s TV.  As everyone knows JFK won.

In mid August I had to figure out how to get back to Ann Arbor.  I had one more semester before graduating.  A fellow crew member offered to sell me a 1950 Ford sedan.  I paid $35 for the car and it made it back to Ann Arbor with no problem.   I sold the car in the fall for what I paid for it.

Light dinner of Cheerios with blueberries and croissants.

Tonight after the news we watched two episodes of Partners in Crime on Acorn.  We finished the season.  Good show.

Very pleasant when I made a check outside at 2200.  Debbie FaceTimed us this evening. 

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