Saturday, August 8, 2020

Friday August 7, 2020

 Friday August 7 ,2020

Blog time 1915 sitting in living room.

Up at 0630.  Today I have a 0900 Doctors appointment.

Nancy headed out on her 3.5 mile walk.  Later this afternoon she took a 1.5 mile walk.  Wow 5 miles.  Way to go Nancy.

This morning I did the calisthenics at 75%.  Took a shower before breakfast.  Shower #1

Today I have an appointment with an Ocular Neurologist, Dr Santos.  Dr Santos is monitoring my Myasthenia Gravis.  I gave him my recent history.  The MG acts up in the winter but in summer it is very mild.  Took 8 pills per day in winter and now I take 3 pills.  He said great and scheduled an appointment for later this year.

At 1130 took a 9.5 mile bike ride.  Another great day for a ride.

Shower #2 and then Lunch.  After lunch started errands.  

First stop was car wash.

Next stop was Ada Bike.  Purchased parts for my bike rack. 

Bought gas at Meijer’s.  Can’t recall gas price.

Final stop was Costco.  Bought three bottle of red wine.

This afternoon Nancy and Mary Namey had lunch at Cork.  Nancy said they both had a great meal.

Found time this afternoon to take a nap.  No apple snack today and I probably will not eat an apple until I get my new upper plate.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed Asian Chicken Salad.  It was very good.  We also had Croissants and fresh fruit, pineapple and blueberries.  Very good.

I took a short walk after dinner.  I enjoy a short evening walk.  However, with the days getting shorter I only have about 2 more months to enjoy an evening walk in bright sun.

The only news I watched tonight was the Brooks and Shields debate on PBS.  David Brooks always has sage advice.

Tonight we watched Vexed, episode 1 of season 2, on Netflix.  Great show for a Friday night.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  Everything was up to snuff in CA and MI.

Very pleasant when I made my outside check at 2200.  


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