Thursday, August 20, 2020

Wednesday August 19, 2020

 Wednesday August 19, 2020

Blog time 0850 sitting in living room.  

Nancy was up at 0630 and headed out on her morning walk.  I was also up and took my morning pills before heading back to bed.

I have my Dental Surgery at 1030.  No food or drink 10 hours before surgery.  However, I had to take several pills so I can take a sip of water with the pills.  

I did have time to finish yesterday’s blog this morning and make a quick check of the online news.  We left home for the Doctor’s office at 1000.

We checked in and waited in the car until the nurse came out and got me.  Nancy was not allowed inside.  They took her cell phone number and said they would call her when the surgery was complete about 1700.

I remember sitting in the operating chair and being hooked up to monitors.  The surgery started at 1030 and I do not remember a thing until 1500.  The first thing I remember was the Doc telling me the operation went well.

My top teeth were gone and the four steel screws were set in my jaw.  They were now making my upper plate.  They use a 3D printer to make the plate.  A piece of costly high tech equipment.

After the plate was finished it took the dentist about five minutes to attach the plate to my jaws using small screws and a screw driver.  I was provided a mirror to look at my new teeth.  Looked good.  

Plate they installed is only temporary.  After some checking they decided on some minor adjustments.  I go back on Friday to get the new plate.  It should take less than 20 minutes.

Got home at 1730. We had dinner at 1800.  I had plain yogurt and a protein drink.  This evening I snacked on the yogurt.  No wine tonight.

We watched the news before switching to Prime.  Watched an episode of Wycliffe. 

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening wanting to see my new teeth and asking how I felt.  I gave a positive report.

It was cool, low 60s, when I made my final check outside.  Temperature will drop to mid 50s this evening.

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