Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Monday August 17, 2020

Monday August 17, 2020

Blog time 1230 at Panera

Up at 0630.  Nancy called me to the window to see the two fawns grazing in our back yard.  First time we have seen the fawns in several weeks.  They looked healthy.

Nancy headed out on her morning walk.  I did my calisthenics before breakfast.  Today I took my normal 10.5 mile bike ride.

At home I showered and dressed before biking to Panera.  Nancy headed out at the same time to get her hair done.

This and that:

Northern CA is having some really wild weather.  

Restaurant workers who are at the bottom of the economic food chain are really suffering during the Coronavirus.  They really need financial assistance from the USA.

Two weeks ago I did not know where Belarus was. Now it is all over the news.  

Annual exams for Senior high school kids in UK determine their eligibility for elite schools.  The exams were cancelled this year because of the Coronavirus.  Some idiot decided to use an algorithm to determine what the students test scores would be.  This created a major backlash.  The algorithms were probably written by some geeky wimps.  The Government has backed off on using the algorithm.  Good

POTUS’s recent comments on his opponents have been getting very nasty.  Not very classy Mr. President.  

I get mad at news commentator who call the President only by his last name and not President Trump.  Another less than classy act.

Lately, even though I have been spending more time at Panera I still cannot finish reading all the news I would like.  Today I did not get home until 1300.

Lunch and then Nancy and I headed to Breton Village.  Nancy returned an item at Talbots and I visited Orvis.  No purchases made.

We also stopped at Meijer’s.  We bought yogurt, ensure and other drinks and soft foods I can consume following my dental surgery.

This afternoon I cleaned up my desk, paid bills and read instructions for the many medicines I must take starting tomorrow.  It can be confusing.

Took a nap followed by a short walk.  For dinner tonight we had Cheerios with blueberries and an English muffin.

After the news we watched a show on Acorn called Taken Down. Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched a Polish Cop show on Netflix. 

Debbie and Alessandra Facetimed us this evening.  They are surviving the Northern Ca heat wave.  Nancy told several stories about her pony.

Missy FaceTimed us from her store.  She was just closing.  She is beginning to miss AJ.

The temperature was near 70 when I checked the front yard at 2200.  Temperature will drop to low 50s tonight.  Great sleeping weather.

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