Monday, August 24, 2020

August 23, 2020

 Sunday August 23, 2020

Blog time 1440 sitting in living room

Got up at 0600 took my pills and then went back to bed.  Finally got up at 0730.  Nancy drove to Panera to get our morning coffee.

I shaved, head and face, showered and then dressed for Church.  Quick breakfast of oatmeal with yogurt, banana and glass of mike.

Today was the 23rd Sunday of streaming church service.  About 300 folks were tuned in.

After Church I sat on the deck and read the GRP.  Finished the GRP and then took a reading break.

Noticed recently a big buildup of Cobwebs along the soffit on our garage.  Took a broom and spent an hour removing cobwebs.  During the entire operation I did not see any spiders. 

After my little outdoor chore I returned to my project of reducing my backlog of unread magazines.  Today I concentrated on Vanity Fair, UM Alumni mag and AARP.  Some issues were two years old.

Lunch today was yogurt, croissant and sugar free pudding.  I have lost 5 pounds on this soft food regime.  

The bruises and swelling on my face seem to be getting better.  However, the dark color of the bruises seem more intense.

Today is my brother-in-law’s 91st birthday.  We called Gaylord and wished Don well.  

Got tired of reading so I watched two episodes of the small town Polish Cop show.  Finished season 1.  Season one did not conclude the story of a serial killer.  Must wait for season two. Bummer!

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed the Salmon that we bought yesterday at Family Foods.  Also had mashed potatoes and a croissant.  Very good.  

Debbie and Missy Facetimed us this evening.  We reported that Nancy’s swollen ankle and my swollen jaw are getting better.  Very hot in CA as it is in MI.  Temps in 90s both places.

Tonight we watched the final two episodes, season 5, of “Line of Duty” on Acorn.  This show had a successful conclusion.

Temperate was still in mid 70s when made my outdoor check at 2200.  My app said temp will drop to low 60s this evening.  I turned the AC off.

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