Wednesday, August 12, 2020

August 11, 2020

Tuesday August 11, 2020 

Blog time noon at Panera

The sun was not yet up when I got up at 0630.  I don’t like these shorter days.

Nancy headed out early on her morning walk.  Today she walked nearly 4 miles.  She also has a 1300 PT appointment.  This will be her last.

I headed downstairs and slowly completed my calisthenics.  I think I need to take a break.  As soon as the shelter in place is lifted we should take a week’s vacation.

Breakfast and then hopped on the bike and took the 10.5 mile ride.  No critters seen this morning.  Another perfect day for a ride.  Sunny and not too hot.

Shaved and showered before heading to Panera.  Panera was cold.  They had the AC cranked up.  Not a pleasant dining experience.  I did bring a sweat shirt which helped.

Does anyone watch professional sports?  I don’t.  It is a shame that the Big Ten cancelled their football season but probably it was the right move.

Blast from past:  about this date in 1955 I was looking forward to the upcoming HS football season.  The coaches wanted me to put on some weight, 150 pounds at least. I came up with an idea.  My Grandfather and Uncle raised beef cattle.  They had a huge barn where during cold weather the cattle would congregate.  About 2 feet of manure covered the floor.  I needed an exercise regime so volunteered to clean the barn.  I spent a week at the farm.  Every morning I would back the manure spreader into the barn and using a pitch fork would load the wagon.  The manure was very heavy.  When filled I would spread the manure over a vacant field.  I would make at least 15 loads a day.  Grandmother took her task to put some weight on me seriously. She prepared three huge tasty meals a day.  Every evening I would end the day with a four mile walk.

When practice started I weighted 155 pounds.  The additional weight must have helped because I played more minutes than anyone else on the team.

Today I have one chore to do.  This afternoon I plan on replacing the guts of the toilet bowl in the master bedroom.

Got home from Panera at 1245.  Before lunch I checked the problem toilet bowl’s workings.  With some effort I figured out how the thing worked.  Made a simple adjustment and problem solved.  I was proud of myself.

Lunch and then I pumped up the tires on my 50 year old single speed and biked to Macatawa Bank.  Withdrew money for Kim who cleans on Thursday this week.  Nancy has book club on Friday.

While at the bank checked to see if I have sufficient funds to pay for my implants.  I have a meeting with the Dentist on Friday.  Payment is due.  The actual surgery is on the 19th.

Biden’s Vice President selection became the big news story for the day.  I think Senator Harris was a good choice.  Of course I will not vote Democratic this fall.  I will probably vote Libertarian.  I have never voted for Trump.

This afternoon I took a short nap followed by a 3/4 mile walk.  For dinner tonight Nancy fixed hot dogs with scalloped potatoes.

Tonight we watched “Partners in Crime” on Amazon.  It was very good.  After Nancy headed to bed I watched a Polish detective show on Netflix.  It was also good.

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We reported everything ok.

Checked front yard and garage at 2200.  The temperature had dropped to mid 70s.  Turned off AC before turning in.

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