Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Sunday August 2, 2020

Sunday August 2, 22020

Blog time 1145 sitting in living room.

I slept in until almost 0800 this morning.  Dressed and headed to Panera for coffee and a bagel.  Back at home fixed breakfast of oatmeal, bagel, coffee and a banana.

This morning we watched the Live Stream of Trinity Lutheran service.  Not quite the same as sitting in Church but they are doing a good job.  This was the twenty first live stream.

After church I again drove to Panera to refill my coffee.  I sat down in the living room and finished Friday’s and Saturday’s blog.  

It is now noon.  Nancy is out on a walk and I will soon take a bike ride.  It is misting but the temperature is 68 so a walk and bike ride will be refreshing.

Left on a 10.5 mile bike ride at 1230.  Encountered no rain.

Late lunch today.  Finished reading the print edition of the GRP before taking a nap.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with sausage, croissant and a fresh peach.
After dinner took a short walk.

60 Minutes was reruns so we fired up Apple TV and watched several shows whose names escapes me.  This is a problem when I finish a blog two days after I started.  Just can’t remember.

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