Friday, August 7, 2020

Thursday August 6, 2020

Thursday August 6, 2020

Blog time 1200 at Panera

We both got up at 0630.  Nancy headed out on her morning walk.  Later she will go to Trader Joe’s for supplies.

Calisthenics and breakfast before heading out on my 10.5 mile morning bike ride.  Great day for a bike ride, sunny with temps in 60s.  The critters must be in hiding because I did not see any.

At home showered, dressed and then biked to Panera.  Slowly more folks are sitting inside at Panera.

I checked my email and finished yesterday’s blog.  Read the headlines on the iPads news app.  Started the WSJ before heading home.

Got home at 1230 and immediately had a quick lunch.  This afternoon I have a 1400 Dentist appointment.  

The Dentist checked out my sore jaw and the teeth that are to be removed on the 19th.  Everything seems normal so the surgery will go ahead.  Spent about an hour in the chair.  Left the Dentist reassured that I made the right decision to have implants vs a standard denture.

1600 Nancy and I took a mile walk.  I was glad I could keep up with Nancy.

 At 1700 we drove to Brann’s restaurant.  We sat outside enjoyed our drinks before ordering dinner.  I had a bowl of chili and Nancy had a chicken sandwich.  Of course I ate half her sandwich.  Sitting outside on a Summer’s evening is a real pleasure.

While at the restaurant Nancy heard the folks at the next table talking about Gaylord.  Nancy asked in they knew my sister Helen.  They did.  Small world.

Tonight we watched an episode of Unforgotten on Prime.  It was good.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  Everything ok. 

It was nice and cool when made my 2200 check of the garage front yard.

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