Saturday, August 29, 2020

Friday August 28, 2020

 Friday August 28, 2020

Blog time 1630 sitting in office

I got up with the sun today, 0700.  It was very hot and humid outside.  Rain on and off for most of the day. 

Last night we had some major thunder showers roll through.  Weather folks say we had over an inch of rain.  Nancy slept through all the fireworks.

Today I have a 1020 appointment with the Oral Surgeon.  No bike ride today.

Calisthenics, shower before breakfast.  Before breakfast I made a quick run to Panera to get a coffee and croissant.   I had my breakfast of oatmeal with yogurt, banana, a croissant and coffee.

Left home at 1000 for the Oral Surgeons.  He checked me over and reminded me I have to remain on the soft diet for at least another month.  I told him I finished Nancy’s chicken sandwich last night.  He told me that was an absolute no-no.

I thought the teeth installed on the 19th were permanent.  They are not.  They are made of plastic.  My permanent are made of a super material which will allow me to eat an apple and other solid foods.  The reason they did not put the permanent teeth in on the 19th was they wanted my gums to heal.  I was given a water pick to use after brushing.  No need to floss when I use the pick.

Kim was cleaning when I got home so Nancy and I took a ride.  First stop Walmart to get our flu shot.  Our insurance covered all costs.

Next stop was Woodland Mall.  Nancy stopped by the Apple Store to get help paying her monthly Apple Card bill.  She was given a phone number to call.

We walked around the Mall and noted a lot of store closures. The stores that were open had an employee at the entrance to check you in.  A lot of added expense to stores that want to remain open.

Kim was just finishing up when we got home.  I took a short walk before lunch.  It was 3/4 miles.

After lunch spent afternoon checking email, reading news and cleaning up my in basket.  No nap today.

This and that:

No HS football this fall.  Tonight would have been the opening game.  Sad!

The Political conventions are over.  Now for the next 9 weeks we will be inundated with political ads.  It is not going to be nice.

We did not watch the GOP convention.  In fact I try any avoid any TV political news.  We have stopped watching the news on PBS.  It is not news.  

The Governor’s office has hinted that maybe she will allow sports clubs to open next week.  Nancy is looking forward to resuming swimming.  

I like the World News section of the WSJ.  I read it every day.

Before dinner I took my second walk.  It was 1.25 miles.  According to my app my average speed was 27’19” per mile.  Now that is certified slow.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with spinach pie.

Debbie and Missy called last night.  Debbie helped Nancy pay her Apple Card bill.  It was easy.  Debbie told us she was checked this week for Coronavirus.  The test indicated that she had Coronavirus in late February and March.  Her body has the antibodies and we all hope that will provide her some immunity.

Missy and AJ are dealing with the confusing start to the school year.  Some issues with electronic communications between student and teachers are still not resolved.

Nancy headed to bed at 2130.  I stayed up and watched Finnish cop show, Deadwind, on Netflix.

It was raining when I went out to check the front yard.  The temp was in mid 70.  Cool front moves in tonight. 

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