Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Tuesday August 18, 2020

Tuesday August 18, 2020

Blog time 1200 at Panera

Up at our normal 0630.  It was cool, high 50s.  Sunrise today was not until 0651.

Nancy headed out on her morning walk.  I am winding down before tomorrow’s surgery.  Did calisthenics at 50% and biked only 7.7 miles.  

At home my first chore was to use the second of two mouth washes I must use daily.  Shaved and showered before the short bike ride to Panera, 0.8 mi.  

Before going to bed last night I watched Senator Sanders speech to the Democratic convention.  I did not see any other speakers.  No interest. 

At Panera finished yesterday’s blog, checked email, read news while drinking coffee and eating a cinnamon raisin bagel.  Panera was empty.  About ten folks who I use to see daily at Panera have not returned.

Got home at 1300.  Quick lunch followed by a mile walk.  Finished the afternoon with a nap.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a Trader Joe’s Shepard’s Pie.  It was good.  Also had salad and croissant.

After the news we watched an episode of Grantchester.  It was kind of dark and gloomy.

Debbie and Missy both FaceTimed us this evening.  We gave a positive health report.  Both girls wished me well tomorrow.

It was cool, 60, when I made my final check outside.

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