Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Monday August 3, 2020

Monday August 3

Blog time:  1200 on the 4th at Panera; a day late

Busy morning coming up.  I have a 1030 Doctor’s appointment with Dr Henke a surgeon who has been monitoring my fat deposit/hernia.

I did my morning calisthenics but will postpone my bike ride until this afternoon.  Rained last night but it had stopped by the time Nancy took her 3 mile walk.

The weather folks are confused.  Their forecast has predicted rain but did not happen.  Today was cool and cloudy with brief periods of sun.

Followed the usual Coronavirus procedure at the Docs.  Sit in car, call office and wait until a nurse comes out takes my temperature and ask some questions about my current health.  If everything ok I am escorted in office.

Doctor Henke looked at my fat deposit/hernia and declared the area was now a full blown hernia.  Dr. Henke did a great job of explaining my options.  

I elected to have the hernia surgically fixed.  Told the Doctor I wanted to be totally healed from my Dental surgery on August 19 before undertaking the hernia fix.  We tentatively set a date of early November.

At noon got on my bike and took my standard 10.5 mile bike ride.  Pleasant day for a ride.

Quick shower after the ride and then Nancy and I headed to Meijer’s.  I needed some Ivory soap and Cetaphil face lotion with SPF protection.  Nancy purchased fruit, yogurt, bananas, radishes and lettuce.  The store was not crowded.  Everyone was wearing a mask.

At home I had a late lunch.  Read some news on iPad before taking a nap.  Our power went out during my nap.

Nancy got a message from Consumers Power that they had an equipment failure and power should be restored by 1600.  No power at 1600 so Nancy got another message saying power will be restored at 2100.

No power means: no internet, no TV and no lights.  The paper edition of the GRP is only delivered on Thursday and Sunday.  So no news.  We always have to be reminded on how much we need electricity.

We had cereal for dinner.  I had also had a croissant.  Took a mile walk after dinner.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed Nancy this evening.  We had to make our conversation short because our iPads were running out of juice.

I was lucky because my Kindel was fully charged.  I was able to read some of Ken Follett book I had just downloaded.

Power came on at 2100.  Spent time changing clocks and making sure all the computers, iPad and other electronic devices were working.  

No TV this evening and we survived.  Checked outside at 2200 and everything was normal.

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