Saturday, August 22, 2020

August 21, 2020

Friday August 21, 2020

Blog time 0920 sitting in office

My new routine includes getting up at 0200 to take a pain pill.  The ibuprofen is working.

Got up this morning at 0700.  Looked in the mirror and the bruising on my jaw is getting worse.  I also have a lot of swelling.  The bruising and swelling are normal for the type of surgery I had.  I have an appointment this afternoon and will have a chance to ask the Doc all sorts of questions.

Breakfast this morning included oatmeal with plain yogurt added.  I really like this combination.  Also had a banana and glass of milk.

Spent the morning checking email and reading the news.  Last night Joe Biden gave his acceptance speech.  Depending who you read the speech was either great and unifying or a dud.  I think it did no harm.

I have found a new spot to use my iPad.  I find a shady spot on the deck.  Today is warm so sitting outside is great.  I need shade in order to see my iPad’s screen.  

We had a lot of birds in our backyard today. I got out the binoculars and checked them out.  I thought the binoculars were losing power but I took time the clean the lenses and the change was remarkable.  Great view of the cardinals, blue jays, robins, doves and of course geese.

Speaking of Geese they are becoming a nuisance.  Poop everywhere, making walking difficult.  The NE MI cities of Roger City and Alpena have annual goose hunts to control the population.

Lunch and then at 1300 I drove to the Oral Surgeon.  Today they took out my plate and put in a new one.  

Very interesting how the plate attaches to my jaw.  The Surgeon inserted four small permanent screws in my jaw.  Four holes are put in the plate.  The holes are placed over the screws and small nuts attach the plate to the inserts.  The Dentist actually uses a torque wrench properly tighten the nuts.

The new plate is a big improvement.  My upper and lower teeth are in alignment and my bite is improved.  

On my way home I stopped a Meijer’s to get more foot/liquids.  Bought yogurt, pudding and Pinconning soft cheese.

At home I spent the rest of the afternoon on the deck.  The sun had moved so I changed locations.  Moved from east end to west end of deck.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a corn chowder.  Also had vanilla pudding and a bottle of Ensure.  I like the Light Ensure.

Tonight’s viewing included the news and the Brook and Shields debate on PBS.  We watched an episode of Line of Duty on Acorn.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched another episode of “Signs” the Polish small town cop show.  It is gloomy but interesting.  I give it a B.

Debbie and Alessandra FaceTimed us this evening.  I grossed them out by letting them look at my bruised and swollen jaw.  Veronica is coming up tomorrow to take Alessandra home on Sunday.  Debbie and Alessandra enjoy each other’s company.  

Lately Missy had been walking four miles on the beach each morning.  She sends us a short movie of the fog covered beach and surf.  Yesterday she filmed Dolphins swimming.  Very interesting.

The temperature had dropped to 75 when I made my 2200 yard check.  Turned the AC off before turning in. 

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