Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Tuesday June 30, 2020

Tuesday June 30, 2020

Blog time 1145 at Panera

Last day of June, Bummer!  It has been a great June.  I think we set a record for available sunshine.  Best bike riding month, ever.

Up at 0630.  Nancy had already taken Ms P out.  It was warm 71 and now at 1145 it is 83.  We will have 90 degrees for the next week.

Nancy went on a short walk first thing.  Later she will take the car to Walmart.

Calisthenics and then breakfast.  Noted an increase in vehicular traffic today.  More folks going back to work?  Also encountered more bikers this morning.  Several folks on fat tire bikes blew by me.  I cannot even keep up with the fat tire crowd.  Ten years ago this would be a problem but today I don’t care.  My time for the 10.2 mile ride is a consistent 1hour 15 minutes +-.  On the ride I encounter seven traffic lights.

At home shaved and shower before hopping on bike and riding to Panera.

This and that:

Most Parents want their school age kids back in class this fall.  I agree social interaction with other kids is important.  In person learning is better than digital.

One of the big improvements in the last 20 years is battery life.  The batteries in most of my toys last at least a year.

No fireworks in GR but in NE Mi most small towns will have fireworks.

Can anyone figure out the Stock Market?

I consider myself a fiscal conservative.  I support free trade and immigration.  President Trump does not.  How did he in 2016 get the nomination?

The US Supreme Court allows money for Church Schools.  This is a blow to public schools.

China continues to tighten the screws on free speech.

No US travelers to the EU.  Will the lack of Yankee dollars hurt?

Got home from Panera at 1300.  Lunch and then some work in office.  

The upstairs was very hot so I took my nap downstairs.  Without the AC on downstairs is very pleasant.  We did turn the AC on at 1600.
Before dinner Nancy and I took a short walk.  It was hot,89, and humid.  For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a pasta dish she purchased at Costco.  I had mine with peas, croissant and coleslaw.  Very tasty.

After watching the news and Jeopardy we retired to the den.  Nancy likes the recliners because she can put her foot up.  

Tonight we watched another episode of Line of Duty.  Took Ms P out at 2200 and it had cooled off.  Turned off the AC before turning in.

Today Missy sent her daily movie of her early morning walk on the beach.  The beach always looks deserted.  Keep up with the walks Missy.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening to make sure we are ok.  Apple has Debbie working from home for the rest of the year.  She is very busy.  Her day starts at 0600 and ends around dinner time.

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