Saturday, July 4, 2020

Friday July 3, 2020

Friday July 3, 2020

Blog time 1530 sitting in office

Everyone was up at 0630.  I headed downstairs for calisthenics and then breakfast.  Took my normal 10 mile bike ride.  Another beautiful sunny day.

Today is a national holiday so most working folks had the day off.  Encountered a lot of young hard core bikers this morning enjoying their day off.

At home quickly showered and dressed.  Today Kim is cleaning so Nancy and I took another ride in the countryside.

Stopped at Panera for coffee before heading out.  Today we drove to Smyrna in Ionia County.  From Smyrna we drove south to see the new White’s Road Bridge over the Flat River.  The original wooden bridge was burned down several years ago by vandals.  The community raised funds and constructed an exact replica of the original bridge.  It looks great.

At the bridge we saw several groups of young folks preparing to tube down the Flat River.  Great day for a trip down the river.

Our trip also took us to the cities of Belding and Greenville.  Greenville with a population of 8,500 seems to be holding its own.  The downtown looks well maintained and we noted not too many empty storefronts.  Great to see small towns surviving.  Growing up in a small town I have a special fondness for them.  I enjoyed growing up in Alpena, Mi population 15,000.  

Greenville is the corporate headquarters for Scott Civil Engineering Company.  Carol Smith who purchased the company has done a great job growing the company.

We arrived home at 1300.  Kim was just finishing up.  

Lunch and then I headed down to the office.  Finished yesterday’s blog, read emails and the news.

Finished the afternoon with a nap followed by an apple snack.  For dinner we had hot dogs with a salad and muffin.  Hot dogs are always great.

It being Friday night we watched the Brooks and Shields conversation on the PBS Newshour.  Always liked David Brooks and his comments.

Tonight we watched episode 2 of Partners in Crime.  

We talked to both Debbie and Missy today.  We bragged about how much warmer GR is than CA.  We had a high of 90 today.  We informed them that the warm weather is keeping us in good health.

Took Ms P out at 2200 and it was 79.  Did not turn the AC off until midnight.


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