Monday, July 13, 2020

Sunday July 12, 2020

Sunday July 12, 2020

Blog time Monday at Panera 

Sunday morning I slept in until 0700. Nancy had already taken Ms P out.  Another warm sunny day.

Nancy headed out on a three mile walk.  I dressed and drove to Panera to get our morning coffees.

Breakfast and then I read several sections of the GRP (comics, obits).  At 0915 we watched Trinity Lutheran’s streaming service.  This was the 15th virtual service.  Nancy liked the Homily.

At 1115 I headed out on a 10 mile bike ride.  Another great day for a ride.

Showered before lunch.  Finished the GRP and took a short nap in our cool basement.

Both Nancy and I agreed that Ms P was suffering.  She had trouble breathing and walking. It was time.

Nancy called the Vet and found that we could bring her in today.  We dressed and before we left took photos of each of us holding Ms P.

The Vet’s staff were very nice.  The end of life procedure is very painless and quick.  Nancy and I were able to hold Ms P during the entire procedure.  We said a short prayer for Ms P.

Ms P was a great companion.  


The rest of the day was sad.  We tried to follow our normal Sunday routine.  


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