Friday, July 31, 2020

Thursday July 30, 2020

Thursday July 30, 2020

Both up at 0615.  It was still dark. The days are getting shorter.  We have lost a hour of daylight since June.  Bummer.

Followed our normal morning routine.  Nancy started her 3 mile walk and I did my calisthenics before breakfast.

Today on my 10 mile bike ride I ran into a lot of construction.  I had to leave the safe bike path and pedal in traffic.  Tomorrow I will change my route.

Temperature was in high 60s with sunny skies.  Perfect for a bike ride.  A lot of bikers and walkers on the trail but saw no critters.

This and that;

I am on day 2 of the new Google blog format.  It seems user friendly.

 Just received a News flash saying POTUS wants to postpone November election.  Dumb,  I hope this never happens.

The Coronavirus sure has created problems for local school systems.  Many Michigan schools are having meetings with parents to explain the options;  Total on-line, Attend School part time or full time school.  I think a hybrid will prevail. Not an easy problem to solve.

School systems are also figuring out fall sports schedules. Tennis, cross country and golf probably will start on time.  Football and soccer will probably delay their start.  Inside sports like swimming and volleyball might have their season cancelled.

Just as soon as a Country or State think they have the Coronavirus under control some clowns have a huge party with plenty of alcohol and no masks.  The Coronavirus rears it’s ugly head again.  Alcohol causes folks to become careless.

President Trump should take PR lessons from the UK’s Boris Johnson.

As soon as I got home I shaved and showered.  Dressed and biked to Panera for my morning coffee and a chance to finish yesterday’s blog and read today’s news.  Panera was empty.

Spent two hours at Panera.  Most of my time is spent on the blog.  I must find a way to not be so wordy.

Got home at 1230 and immediately grabbed two bags of empty bottles.  We drove to Walmart.  I returned the bottles and Nancy did some shopping.   First time we had returned bottles to Walmart in five months.  Returned 62 bottles.

This afternoon I took a short nap.  After the nap I took a walk around the ponds in our backyard.  Only critters I saw were geese.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me two hot dogs.  Also had salad and pineapple.

Tonight we watched Absentia followed by another episode of Grantchester.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and finished reading the WSJ.  

Very pleasant when I made my final inspection of our front yard.  

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us tonight.  We gave them a positive report.

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