Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Monday July 6, 2020

Monday July 6, 2020

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Up at 0630.  Nancy had already taken Ms P out and was getting ready for her morning walk.  Today she also has an 1130 dentist appointment.  

Completed calisthenics before breakfast.  After breakfast I pumped up the bike tires.  The tires lose about 15% of pressure every two days.  For easy riding I like to keep them fully inflated.  I have my car tires check every oil change or three months.  Go figure.

Today’s ride was 10 miles.  A lot of folks were out walking.  Probably trying to get rid of the pounds put on over the holidays.

At home I quickly showered, changed clothes and biked to Panera.  It is about 0.8 miles.

Spent time checking email and reading the news.  The Coronavirus and BLM issues still dominates the news.

This and that:  

I am having a problem with young folks ignoring the “wear a mask” and “safe distancing recommendations” of health professionals.  What happens if they infect their parents or grandparents?  Any remorse?

Being born in 38 I grew up respecting our military and especially the USA flag and our national anthem.  No society is perfect but I truly think the USA has made great strides in correcting injustices over my lifetime.  When athletes take a knee during the playing of the Star Spangled Banner I become furious.  I no longer watch professional sports.

I hope cooler heads will stop the destruction of our history.   I think we have a big silent majority that will soon say “enough is enough”.  End of rant!

Rest of day’s activities:

Nancy informed me that Dr Lamberts said her troubled tooth more secure than thought.  No need for an implant.  Wednesday’s appointment is cancelled.  Good news.

Filled out questionnaire for Petunia’s Vet.  We have an appointment tomorrow.

Wrote monthly note to Grandkids.

Called daughter in law Veronica.  Today is her birthday.  We were unable to make contact but left Happy Birthday messages.

Walked to post box to mail Grandkids letter.  It was 91 degrees.

Light dinner.

Watched news and Jeopardy.

Watched another episode of “Partners in Crime”.

Took Ms P out at 2200. The temperature was in high 80s.  Left AC on until 0400.

FaceTimed with Debbie this evening.  Everything ok.

Every morning Missy has been walking on the San Monica beach.  She sends a short video.  Keep it up Missy.

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