Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Tuesday July 28, 2020

Tuesday July 28, 2020

Blog time 1135 at Panera

We were both up at 0630.  Nancy made a quick trip to Walmart.

I did my calisthenics downstairs. Fixing breakfast when Nancy got home from Walmart.  She immediately started out on her 3 mile morning walk.

Busy morning for Nancy in addition to her walk she has a PT session.  This afternoon we are making a trip to Costco.

Uneventful morning ride.  A great day for a ride.  Sunny with temp in low 70s.  Saw no critters this morning.

This and that:

Our President is being very petty when he refuses to attend the showing of Rep John Lewis.  A basic Christian principle is forgiveness.  Come on POTUS show some class.

Where are all the snakes?  I have not seen one this summer.

Some good news:  a nuclear fusion reactor is being assembled in France.  If it works the world will have carbon free energy.  Gene Therapy has worked on young folks with muscular dystrophy.

On this date in 1938 Great Grandfather Sanborn had a busy day.  He noted they had 1.5” of rain overnight.  In morning worked in garden and picked radishes for church.  Great Grandmother attended her Friendly Circle Club at Mrs Yakes in afternoon.  GGF worked at Ossineke Post Office in afternoon.  Evening dinner at church.  GGF was the same age as yours truly, 82.

School systems are working overtime trying to put together a school program with no much direction.

Got home from Panera at 1230.  Quick lunch before heading to Costco.  Nancy has to pick up a prescription and we also bought Cheerios, naan bread, lasagna for dinner and a bottle of wine.  Costco was not crowded.

Took a walk around the backyard ponds as soon as got home from Costco followed by nap.

For dinner we had the lasagna bought a Costco.  Short walk after dinner.

Tonight we watched an episode of The Amazing Mrs Maisel.   Not very good.  I stayed up and watched another episode of Ozark.

Very muggy when I made my 2200 yard inspection.  Rain expected later tonight.  Turned off AC before heading to bed.

Debbie and Missy contacted us today.  

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