Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Tuesday July 21, 2020

Tuesday July 21, 2020

Blog time noon at Panera:

Boy did I sleep in, did not get up until 0700.  Nancy had already left on her morning walk.  This afternoon she has an appointment with a hand Doctor.

Calisthenics, breakfast and then headed out on 10 mile bike ride.  If Racoons are so agile and smart how come they are #1 road kill animals.

Every morning I ride through Gatehouse Condos.  It used to be a rough ride.  Last week they paved the roads so now it is a breeze.

Shaved and showered before heading to Panera.    

 This and that:

Trader Joe’s started as CA firm.  I did not know this.  I always thought they were a German company.  Apparently Aldi’s bought them in 1979.  Trader Joe’s is in the news because they have some product’s called Trader “Jose” and Trader “Ming’s”.  Some folks were offended so TJ’s changed the names.  Too much?

President Trump is giving the Democrat leaders in Oregon a gift by sending in US Law Enforcement.  Policing is a local responsibility.  If the rioters destroy and burn property President Trump will get blamed.  

I am surprised there isn’t a movement to create a third party.  A responsible moderate voice is needed to replace the clowns we now have.

Folks talk about electric cars being the car of the future.  I think a hydrogen powered car is superior.  

Why is wearing a mask an affront to an individual’s personal liberties?  A mask is for the common welfare of all folks.  A mask is the best and easiest way to control the Coronavirus.

Where are the President’s advisers?  He is self destructing.

Why not just cancel the hockey, baseball and football seasons?

Chinese hackers are insidious.  Why can’t we put an end to this invasion.  Surely we have some resources to counter these attacks.

I got home from Panera at 1240.  Nancy had already left for her Doctor’s appointment.  Quick lunch and then spent time in office reading.

Nancy’s Doctor confirmed the she has a condition called Dupuytren’s Contraction in her right hand.  I had this condition in both hands.  Surgery was required.  I was told that Dupuytren’s only happened in men of Northern European ancestry.  I guess they were wrong.

Stopped this afternoon at the Cascade Twp office to tell them of the street light in front of our condo being burned out for months.  After I made a quick run to Costco to get eye drops, fiber, listerine, mini naan, Aveeno and for dinner bought pin wheel sandwiches.  Costco was empty.

No nap today.  I had an apple snack before going on a mile walk.  My time for the mile was 25:49.  Good grief I use to walk 18’ miles.

For dinner we had the pin wheel sandwiches.  I also had coleslaw and croissants.

Watched the news, NBC and PBS.  Jeopardy was reruns so we watched an Agatha Christie TV series on Prime.  

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched another episode of the Polish Mystery on Netflix.  I slept through the entire show.

It was muggy and 72 when I made my 2200 check of our garage and yard.

Missy sent an early morning video of her walk on the beach at Santa Monica.  Debbie FaceTimed us this evening to ask of our health.  Enjoy the contact with the girls.

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