Monday, July 13, 2020

Saturday July 11, 2020

Saturday July 11, 2020

Blog time 1550 in office

I slept in until 0700.  Nancy and Ms P had already been out.  Looks like another great day. Sunny and 70 at 0800.  

Today for this first time in four months we walked to Panera.  I had an oatmeal breakfast with coffee. Nancy had a coffee.  We sat and talked about our upcoming week.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I suited up and took a 10 mile bike ride.  Great day for a ride.

Shaved and showered as soon as I got home.  Nancy informed me that she had called the Vet.  We have a Monday afternoon appointment.  We have noted just noted in the past few days how much Ms P’s health has declined.

Spent some time in office reading and writing blog.  I also made a dinner reservation for tonight.  We are going to the Cork and will sit outside.   

This and that:

My Dad always talked about the July heat wave of 1936.  Our family home on 123 First Ave was not air conditioned.  He said that after days of 100 degree temps he was planning on  moving all the bedroom mattresses down to the front lawn.  Just as he was starting a summer squall blew in off Lake Huron and dropped the temperature 20 degrees.  I was told this story often.

Today’s Alpena News confirmed my Dad’s story.  Starting on July 7, 1936 Alpena had eight consecutive days with temperature over 100 degrees.  It set a record and the record still stands to this day.  

I am hooked on the music of the Old Crow Medicine Show.

I knew the ethnic makeup of the USA was changing.  Today I looked up the ethnic makeup of CA and was surprised that:

39% Latino
37% White
15% Asian
6%   African American

In the USA the breakdown is;

60% White
18% Latino
13% African American
 6% Asian

What is the difference between a summer and winter shower.  The winter showers are 20 minutes longer and 20 degrees warmer.  Growing up our house did not have a shower.  I have not taken a bath in a tub in over 60 years.  Who cares!

After lunch I took a short nap.  At 1630 we drove to the Cork Restaurant located on the Watermark Golf Course.  A very pleasant setting.

It was a perfect day to sit outside and enjoy a drink and dinner.  Nancy had the turkey wrap and I splurged on the white fish dinner.  White fish is the best.

At home we watched a movie on Prime.  It starred Phillip Seymour Hoffman “A Most Wanted Man”.  I gave it a B.

Took Ms P out at 2200.  He had trouble keeping walking.  Very sad.

Both Debbie and Missy are very busy but they find time every day to contact us.  Nice gesture.

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