Thursday, July 2, 2020

Wednesday July 1, 2020

Wednesday July 1, 2020

Blog time 1030 at Panera

Breakfast Club Wednesday:  up at 0610 took Ms P out.  July is starting out great.  Another sunny warm day.

First thing this morning calisthenics at 50%.  Dressed and drove to Panera for coffee.  Got back in time for Breakfast Club which starts at 0740.  BC uses Zoom software for the meetings.  It works great.

Today’s Speaker was a local author/college prof and philosopher.  He talked about surviving a crisis like the Coronavirus or any of life’s serious problems that confront us.  It was very uplifting with plenty of great quotes.  One of the best programs.

After BC I got on bike and rode back to Panera.  Got a bowl of oatmeal and bagel and started reading Alpena News and emails.

The Alpena News is a great paper.  Plenty of local news.  They are a great community promoter.

Left Panera at 1115 and took a 5.5 mile route home.  When I add this mornings ride to Panera my total bike miles is 8.25 miles.  Pretty good for an easy Wednesday.

As soon as I got home, Nancy and I headed to Trinity Lutheran to pick up new photo directory of Trinity’s members.  Just scanned the directory but it looks great.  We can now put a face to a name.

At home;

Gathered up trash and took to curb for tomorrow’s pickup.

Did a load of laundry.


Nancy and I took a mile walk.

This and that;

June was the sunniest June on record.  

The police finally cleared out the CHOP zone in Seattle.  About time. 

POTUS says he will not allow name changes for military bases that are named after Confederate Civil War Generals.  Most bases were named during WW II and probably under pressure from Southern politicians.  These Generals were responsible for the death of many Union soldiers.  I am for the name change.  

Nearly 100% of medical experts say wearing a mask prevents the spread of the Coronavirus.  Why the opposition?

The parking lots of office buildings are fuller than a month ago.  Good sign.

Light dinner tonight.  Fixed Nancy her cheese/cracker/pill snack before settling down to watch news and Jeopardy.

Jeopardy was a rerun so we switched to Acorn.  We watched the final two episodes (season ?) of Line Of Duty.  We gave the show an A.

It was in high 70s when took Ms P out at 2200.  At least 5 more days of 90 degree temps.

Turned the AC off and opened the slider.  Fresh air aids sleep.


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