Thursday, July 16, 2020

Wednesday July 15, 2020

Wednesday July 15, 2020

Blog time 1445 sitting in office

We both were up at 0630.  Nancy dressed for her morning walk.  I have Breakfast Club this morning so after some light exercises I head to Panera to get a coffee and bagel to take home.

Fixed oatmeal and toasted the bagel.  Quick breakfast.

BC starts at 0740 and I signed in on Zoom at exactly 0740.  We had about 20 member in attendance.

Today’s speaker was the Kent County Sheriff, Michelle LaJoye-Young.  She gave an excellent presentation.  Kent County seems to have a handle on all the issues confronting law enforcement.  

Sheriff LaJoye-Young is up for re-election this year.  Today’s talk convinced me to vote for her.

After BC I took an 8.65 mile bike ride.  After the ride I showered and dressed before Nancy and I headed to Tanger’s Outlet Mall. 

We spent an hour shopping.  Nancy bought several items at Talbots.  I purchased nothing.  Was sad to see the Brooks Brothers store was closed.  

At home I did a load of laundry.  Took out the trash and had lunch.  Just got a call from Meijer’s that my prescription is ready.

Picked up prescription at Meijer’s.  The cost for my pills actually went down.

Thing we did not have in my youth:

Clothes dryer.  My Mother hung wet clothes on a line.

Air conditioning.

Automatic transmission in cars, turn signals or power steering.

Ballpoint pens.

FM radios or television.

Anything electronic like cell phones or calculators.

No microwaves.

Garage door opener.

Home freezer.

No fresh fruits or vegetables in wintertime.  My mother and grandmother canned these items.
Huawei the Chinese based maker of 5G equipment is under attack by some Western Intelligence agencies because of the possibly of China getting it hands on sensitive documents.  The UK recently banned Huawei equipment for their 5G network.  Of course our President said he alone got the UK to ban Huawei.  Such modesty!

I took a nap before dinner.  We had a light dinner, Cheerios with a muffin.  After doing the dishes I took a short walk.

Granddaughter Alessandra tried to FaceTime Nancy tonight.  After some checking found out Alessandra had the wrong phone number.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We said that Bob and Nancy are ok.   However, because both are so busy and CA has become “ground Zero for new Coronavirus cases we hope they are extra vigilant.

It was muggy and 77 when I made a check outside at 2200.  Rain tonight and maybe tomorrow morning.

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