Friday, July 24, 2020

Thursday July 23, 2020

Thursday July 23, 2020

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Up at 0630.  Nancy headed out on her morning walk.  I head downstairs for calisthenics.  Breakfast and then headed out on my morning 10 mile ride.  Another great day for a bike ride.  Not too hot with little wind.  Perfect.

Shaved and showered before biking to Panera.  Read the Alpena News, checked email and finished yesterday’s blog.

This and that;

After her walk Nancy’s has a 0930 PT session.

The Condo association is removing a big pine tree in our side yard.  It is tilting towards our garage and we fear a big wind would topple the tree on the garage.

This afternoon we have Fish Window Washing doing our windows.  Arrival time between noon and 1400.

Got home from Panera at 1200.  

Window washers arrive at 1230.  We were glad they wore masks and observed other Coronavirus precautions.  They cleaned all the windows inside and out.  Also cleaned screens.  It took about 90 minutes.  Good job.
Late lunch and then a short nap.

Finished the afternoon with a mile walk.

Some economists say they underestimated the impact the Coronavirus has on the economy.  Bad news which was reflected in today’s stock market.

The EU might be getting its act together.  They all agreed on a Coronavirus relief package.

I don’t see how our President can get re-elected.  He continues to mishandle the virus and has shown little leadership.  Name calling never wins.  My Company’s model was “kill them with kindness”.  Of course you have to do that if you are at the bottom of the food chain.

For dinner we finished Costco’s pin wheel sandwiches.  It was a nice summer’s evening so we drove to Freddy’s for a frozen custard.  Sat in the parking lot and ate it.  Hit the spot.

Our Freddy’s trip reminded me of my youth on Grandparent’s farm.  On some warm summer evenings I would go with Grandpa to Dillinger’s a local Grocery about a mile from the farm.  My Grandfather would buy some small grocery item.  The main reason for his trip was to talk Tiger baseball with Ed Dillinger the store’s owner.  Grandfather usually would buy me a Chocolate Drumstick.

This evening we watched the final episode of the Agatha Christie mystery on Prime.  I liked it. Strange ending.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  Everything ok in MI and CA.

Made my final check outside at 2200.  Still warm.

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