Thursday, July 23, 2020

Wednesday July 22, 2020

Wednesday July 22, 2020

Blog time 1110 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday.  We both got up at 0630.  It is suppose to rain this morning so Nancy decided no walk.  She headed out to Fresh Thyme at 0730.

I did my calisthenics at 50% this morning.  Standard Breakfast this morning.  Checked the weather and intermittently showers predicted.  

I decided to bike to Panera.  Put on my rain coat and headed out.  I encountered light rain just before I got to Panera.  Glad I wore a rain coat.

This and that:

1,000 deaths per day from Coronavirus is serious.

USA closed China’s Consulate in Houston over intellectual theft.  Expect reciprocal action by China.

Pfizer’s vaccine is looking good.  Also vaccines being developed in UK and Germany are on fast track.

Photos of Lavender fields in UK are spectacular.  I do not think I have seen a lavender field in MI.

Skunks have invaded our neighborhood.  The Pest Control folks trapped one in our side yard.  Still a lot more roaming free.

Why are the demonstrators in Portland so virulent.  Night after night of demonstrations.  Many questions; are groups getting paid by outside organizations,  why does the City Administration just stand by?  Why are the Feds wearing camouflage uniforms.  They are not military.  Why are Feds even there this is a local matter.

Got home from Panera at 1130.  Changed into bike clothes and took an eight mile ride.

Showered and had a late lunch.

Rest of afternoon activities;

Gathered trash and recyclables
Apple snack
Mile walk.  27’ pace.
Nancy and I drove to D&W to get coleslaw, bananas and stamps.

Dinner tonight like last night was Costco’s pin wheel sandwiches.  Had mine with coleslaw and blueberries.

Watched the news tonight (NBC, PBS) before switching to Prime.  We watched episode 2 of the Agatha Christie Crime Show.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report. 

Pleasant 72 degrees when I made my 2200 check of the garage and front yard.  Turned off AC before turning in.  Great weather continues at least through tomorrow.

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