Friday, July 17, 2020

Thursday July 16, 2020

Thursday July 16, 2020

Blog time noon at Panera

0630 is our new standard awakening time.  Nancy starts dressing for her morning walk.  She also has a PT session at 1100.

I start with calisthenics and then an oatmeal breakfast.  Nancy got home before I left for my 10 mile bike ride.  Nancy said it was misting.  I grabbed a rain jacket and headed out.  Light mist during my entire ride.  However it was near 70 so no discomfort.

Shaved and showered before biking to Panera.  Today I bought a croissant with my coffee.  It was very good.  I think I will substitute my daily bagel with a croissant.

Things that make me mad:

I get mad at environmental group trying to stop all pipelines and other infrastructure projects.  Their lawsuits delay projects by years.  

I get mad at folks not wearing a mask.  

Grandstanding Politicians make me mad.  Both parties are guilty.

I get mad at folks honking their car horns.  I never use my horn.

I get mad at the USA’s inability to stop foreign government hacking.  Are we that incompetent?

Got home from Panera at 1300.  Running at little late today.  Lunch and then headed downstairs.

Afternoon activities;

Updated software on iWatch, iPad, iPhone and laptop.

Cleaned out my in box.

Ordered a shirt from LL Bean using birthday gift cards.

Checked all my financials and paid bills.

I have about 10 backpacks.  Found the backpack that is great for everyday use.

Move items out of office so Kim will have an easier time cleaning.

For dinner we headed to Sundance.  I had a beer and burger.  Nancy had a margarita and eggs rolls.  We sat outside.  Very pleasant dining experience.

Watched the news, Coronavirus dominated and then Jeopardy.  Tonight we watched Wycliffe on what we thought was Prime but the show had commercials.  The show was on IHM or something like that.  We don’t pay for this service and why is it showing up on Prime?

FaceTimed with Debbie and Missy tonight.  We gave a positive report.

Temperature was in high 70s when make my front yard check at 2200.  Noticed that the skunk catcher in the yard was empty.  Turned off AC.

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