Thursday, July 30, 2020

Wednesday July 29, 2020

Wednesday July 29, 2020

Blog time 1750 sitting in office

Up at 0615, today is Breakfast Club Wednesday

First thing I did was to do my calisthenics at 50%.  Then ran to Panera to buy coffee and a bagel.

Breakfast of oatmeal, bagel, banana and of course coffee. 

Nancy headed out early on her morning walk.

The speaker today was a Native American journalist who publishes an online Native American newspaper.  The newspaper has nation wide readership.  The speaker lives in Grand Rapids.  Good program.  27 folks in attendance.  Looks like we will continue to have our meetings on Zoom.

After the meeting I put on my bike riding clothes and headed out on a 10 mile ride.  Sunny with temps in low 70s.  

Showered and then ran errands.  Stopped at Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who will clean on Friday.

Dropped off our ballots at Township office.  

Lunch and headed downstairs to do my morning reading and finish yesterday’s blog.  Speaking of blogs today Goggle changed their blog format.  It will take some time adjusting to the new format.

Normally I write the blog on Apple’s Pages and cut and paste to the blog.  Today’s blog is being written using the Google built in word processor.  Jury is still out.

This afternoon I have a 1530 Dentist appointment.  Arrived early sat in car, called the Dentist.  A nurse came out and took my temperature and asked questions.  

When I finally got in the chair.  They took a lot X-rays and created a 3D image of my jaw.  They will use the 3D image to create my new upper set of teeth.  

I pointed out to Dr Lambert’s that I have pain when chewing.  He took x-rays and could find nothing wrong.  Will recheck next week.

For dinner tonight we had Cheerios, croissant and watermelon. 

Tonight we watched news on NBC and PBS.  At 1930 we switched to Apple TV.  Watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  Nancy headed to bed and I finished reading the WSJ.

It was nice and cool when I made my 2200 inspection of the garage and front yard.

Debbie FaceTimed us tonight.  Everything ok in GR. 

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