Saturday, July 18, 2020

Friday July 17, 2020

Friday July 17, 2020

Both up at 0630.  Foggy but looks like it will be a nice sunny day.  High temp 86.

Nancy got dressed for her morning walk.  Today I have a 1040 Dentist appointment.  I did reduced calisthenics before showering.

Oatmeal breakfast.  Nancy arrived home as I was finishing breakfast.  She had walked 3.5 miles.  Way to go Nancy!

Drove to Panera, had my coffee, finished yesterday’s blog and checked email.  It is now 0930 and will grab a coffee for Nancy.  I will drop off the coffee at home, brush teeth and head to dentist.  Today I am having a tooth removed and must make a decision if I want a denture or implants.  I am a little apprehensive.

I arrived at the Oral Surgeons at 1030.  A nurse came out to the car,  make me fill out another stupid form, and took my temperature.  She said to wait in car and when the Doctor is ready a nurse will come out and get me.

First thing an X-ray was taken of my jaw.  The Doctor said the X-ray indicated that several teeth in my upper jaw had to be removed.  The removal would mean my partial plate would have no teeth to attach to.

I was given two options
  1. A standard removable denture.  The upside is cost.  A denture is much cheaper.  The downside is that the denture must be removed for sleeping and cleaning.  A glue must be used to keep the denture from moving.  The geometry of the denture would cover my upper palate.  
  2. Dental implants.  This option consists of implanting several small screws in my jaw.  A fixed set of teeth would be attached to the screws.  The upside is that the teeth are permanent and my palate would be obstruction free.  The downside is that this option is very expensive.

I asked the Doctor if my jaw was strong and wide enough to handle implants.  He said yes.

I selected having implants.  The main reason was my MG sometimes causes me to have trouble swallowing.  My mouth muscles weaken.  The denture covering my upper palate could be a problem.

The operation will take place on August 19.  It will take between 4 and 6 hours.  I will walk out with a full set of teeth in my upper jaw.

Kim was still cleaning when I got home.  Nancy and I got in the Escape and ran some errands.  First stop was Tanger’s Outlet so Nancy could return a recent purchase to Talbots.  Final stop was D&W to buy coleslaw for dinner.

Kim was just finishing when we got home.  Quick lunch and then I headed out on a 7 mile bike ride.

Shower, followed by a short nap.  Just before dinner I took a 3/4 mile walk.

For dinner we had the great American classic Hot Dogs.  I had mine with mustard and onion.  We also had the coleslaw we purchased earlier.

Tonight we watched the news and Jeopardy. Switched to Apple TV and watched an episode of Call the MidWifes.  

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watch a crime show set in Berlin in the 30s.  

It was 74 and muggy when I went out at 2200.  Turned off the AC before turning in.

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