Monday, July 20, 2020

Saturday July 18, 2020

Saturday July 2020

Blog time 1515 sitting in living room.

Up at our new normal 0630.  Today we walked to Panera for breakfast.  It was partially cloudy but muggy.  Heat index near 100.

At Panera we sat outside.  Nancy had her hazelnut coffee and I had a bowl of oatmeal with toasted bagel and coffee.  Very pleasant sitting outside.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEPHEN PATTON SCOTT.  Today is son Steve’s birthday.  I still remember this day in 1973 well.

We could tell on our walk home that today would be hot and humid.  At home Nancy started the laundry and I headed out on an 11 mile bike ride.  For most of the ride I biked into a gentle breeze.  It kept me refreshed.

As soon as I got home I shaved, head and face, before showering.  Spent some time writing blog and reading.

After lunch I got the car washed and filled up.  Tonight we are having dinner at Red’s at Thousand Oaks Golf Course.

Good job’s for teenage boy’s in my youth.

Pumping gas.  In my youth your car was filled by a gas station employee, usually a young man.  These jobs were desired because when things got slow the boss let you put your junker car on the hydraulic lift.  Guys loved tinkering with their junkers.

Being a pin setter in a bowling alley. Before automatic pin setters bowling pins were racked by hand.  A few of my friends like working the late men’s league because the bowlers after many beers were good tippers.

Dinner reservations were for 1700 so we left home at 1630.  Red’s was not busy.  We sat outside with a great view of the golf course.   Our table was under an awning which was good because a short summer shower rolled through.  

We ordered drinks and relaxed before ordering.  I had the fried perch and Nancy had a chicken wrap.  Very good.

For dessert we stopped at Culver’s.  We both ordered a frozen custard.  Hit the spot.

At home we started watching a movie on Prime.  It was terrible so we watched an episode of Hanna.  

Missy sent us a video of her early morning walk on the beach.  Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.

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