Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Tuesday July 14, 2020

Tuesday July 14, 2020

Blog time 1150 at Panera

Both up at 0630.  The sun was streaming through the slider.  Another nice summer day ahead.

Nancy headed out to Meijer’s.  She wants to be there by 0700 so she can take part in Senior’s shopping hours.  After Meijer’s she will stop by Aldi’s.

I did my calisthenics followed by breakfast.  The temperature was in the 50s when I headed out on my 10 mile bike ride.  Perfect weather for a bike ride.

Judging by the increase in vehicular traffic I think more folks are back to work.  Passed several fitness clubs and noted they were all having outside classes.  

At home Nancy said the house was full of skunk odor.  We checked around and could find no evidence of a skunk in the house.  I think the odor was from a skunk spray I applied Sunday.  The salesman at ACE said the spray’s odor was worse than any skunk.  He was probably right.  

Nancy did call the Condo’s management firm about skunks in the area.  They have a pest control firm under contract and will send them to investigate.

Shaved and showered before heading to Panera.  Panera had their AC unit cranked up.  Several folks complained.

1200 I left Panera and pedaled to Macatawa Bank.  I had a CD due and wanted to cash it.  Will need the cash for new teeth and a car.  

Nancy was still at PT when I got home.  She has two sessions this week.  The jury is still out on whether the PT is helping.

This afternoon:

Took a nap.
Fixed apple snack.
Read the WSJ.

For dinner Nancy fixed a pork chop with rice and onions in the crock pot.  It was very good.

After the dishes I took a short walk.  Tonight we watched an episode of Hanna.  I like the show.  Nancy not so sure.

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed and watched a French crime show on Netflix.

It was warm and muggy when I stuck my head out at 2200.  Turned the AC off before turning in.

We talked with Debbie and Missy today.  Everything is ok.

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