Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Monday July 27, 2020

Monday July 27, 2020

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Turned our AC off at 0200 and opened slider to get some fresh air.  Bad idea! very humid air rushed in making sleeping uncomfortable.

First thing we did this morning was to check our weather app.  The app said no rain today.  Big surprise because last night it said we faced a morning of rain. 

Nancy headed out on her morning walk.  After calisthenics I had my oatmeal breakfast.  Took my morning bike ride of 10 miles.  Quick shower before heading to Panera for my morning coffee and bagel.  

This and that:

We are over run with bunnies.  Where are the coyotes and foxes to cull the herd.  Can you have a herd of bunnies?  I would think bunnies would be tasty for a fox.

Are we suffering from a Coronavirus news overload.  I sure am.  All the hysterical news readers should take a break.

I am already tired of Election politics.

It has been five months since we became a one car family.  No problems but when the gyms reopen and the weather gets cooler I will have to buy a car.  

I might have a problem buying a used car at the price I want to pay.  The news has had several stories on the shortage of used cars.

Nancy misses her swims at MVP.  I love swimming in open water but it has been at least two years since my last open water swim.

When working on my Grandparents farm on some warm evenings I would walk the half mile to the South Branch of the Thunder Bay River.   The water was about waist high but it was very refreshing.  Great memories!

Whoever wins the Presidential election I hope it is by a large margin so no disputes.

Arrived home from Panera at 1230.  Got in the car and drove to Meijer’s.  Bought yogurt, bananas, chocolate 92% bars and wine.

Lunch and then spent time cleaning my desk.  Paid some bills.  

Nap followed by a short walk.  For dinner we had our Monday standard, Cheerios with fruit.

Lately we watch NBC news, local and national and 30 minutes of PBS news.  Jeopardy is nothing but rerun so we switch to Netflix.

We are now able to watch two shows on our Apple TV.  Tonight we watched Call the MidWifes followed by Ozark.  I am hooked on Ozark but Nancy is luke warm.

Still humid when I did my 2200 check outside.  Left the AC on.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We gave a positive report.  During July it has been warmer in GR than either LA of San Jose.  

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