Sunday, May 31, 2020

Saturday May 30, 2020

Saturday May 30, 2020

Blog time 1530 sitting in living room.

Happy Memorial Day.  For most Veterans over 60 today is the real Memorial Day.  Several area communities have ceremonies today.

Every one up at 0630.  Nancy got dressed for her walk.  I had breakfast and then headed to Panera for coffee.

At home I dressed for a bike ride.  Today I pedaled to Ada to visit the Ada Bike Shop.  I bought a pair of sunglasses.

The bike trail with loaded with weekenders.  Another beautiful day for a ride.

Showered and shaved,  Nancy told me of some chores that needed to be done.  So I started,

Our front door is opened automatically when we put in our secret code.  The device notified us that the batteries were low.  Put in four new AA batteries.  

The downstairs toilet has been running.  I reset the shutoff and it seems to work.

Lunch and then I continued with some chores downstairs.

Ironed my canvas vest and a pair of khaki pants.  I have about twenty pair of ironed khaki pants hanging from hooks in the storage room.  I should never have to buy another pair of pants, ever.  Maybe I should make a “Good Will” run.

Put away all my winter clothes and brought out the warm weather clothes.  I keep most of my casual clothes in crates.  All the crates are full so I will have to make a run to Staples to buy several more,  or maybe I should take half of these clothes to “Good Will”?

I finished yesterday’s blog and read the weekend news.

I ended the afternoon with a short nap.  I even set the alarm to get me up at 1700.

At 1715 I drove Nancy to our favorite Persian restaurant, Shiraz.  Tonight we are having lamb shanks with rice and vegetables.  Of course we had to bring the food home.  We watched the news while eating a very good Persian meal.

Before settling down for the evening I took a short walk.  No news or Jeopardy so we headed to the den and looked for a movie on Apple TV.  We could not agree on what to watch.  Ended up watching our old standby Midsomer Murder.

Debbie and Missy both called tonight.  We told them about our great weather and how being outside made us healthier.  Both girls are doing fine. 

The temperature will drop to mid 40s tonight.  Took Ms P out at 2200 and it was cool.

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