Saturday, May 23, 2020

Friday May 22, 2020

Friday May 22, 2020

Blog time 1300 sitting in office

It is a sure sign Ms P is getting old, she slept in until 0630.  Nancy had to wake her.  I got up at 0645.

The temperature this morning was 60 with a high predicted near 70.  It was overcast with a light mist.

Nancy headed out first.   She took a 3.5 mile walk.  I did my calisthenics downstairs.  After the calisthenics I put on my biking clothes.  Breakfast and then I headed out on a 10.5 mile bike ride.  Noted very light vehicular traffic.  Why?  Intermittent mist on the ride.

Showered and dressed.  Drove to Panera for coffee and a baguette.  At Panera I parked in their lot to use their internet.  Checked my email and found I had received an email from Eric Rickert and Jennifer Dougherty regarding the flooding in Midland County especially as it relates to the Curtis Road Bridge.  They gave me an updated report.  I really appreciate their efforts to keep me informed.

This and that:

States are relaxing Coronavirus rules in certain areas.  In Mi, the northern counties are allowed to open restaurants under strict rules.

It looks like Hong Kong is losing some of its freedom.  This is a shame.

Closed National Parks have seen a large influx of animals including bears, mountain lions and antelope.  They will disappear as soon as folks are allowed in.

UC schools have dropped the ACT and SAT tests.  Bad idea especially with all the grade inflation.  

Finished yesterday’s blog and continued reading the news.     We get a paper copy of the GRP on Thursday and Sunday.  The GRP does a terrible job covering local news.  I think the Alpena News does a better job keeping their subscribers informed of local events.  Next week I will start subscribing to the Detroit News to get more state news.

Lunch and then back to office for more reading.  Nancy left at 1415 for her Doctor’s appointment.  She is having a pre-surgery checkup.  Blood tests, EKG etc.  She did not get home until 1630.

I took a short nap followed by a mile walk.  No apple snack today.  

For dinner I ordered a pineapple/ham pizza from JT’s.  JT’s was not crowded when I picked up the pizza.  JT’s staff were all wearing masks and following all health guidelines.  I was impressed.  The pizza was very good.

We watched the NBC News but at 1900 instead of switching to the PBS News we decided instead to watch a movie.

The movie we selected was the latest “Mission Impossible” starring Tom Cruise.  It was a great movie for Friday night.

It was warm, 60, when took Ms P out at 2200.  Temperature tomorrow will be in high 70s.  

Debbie and Missy checked in tonight.  I talked to Missy and Nancy to Debbie.  We gave them both a positive report.

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