Sunday, May 24, 2020

Saturday May 23, 2020

Saturday May 23, 2020

Blog time 1500 sitting in office

Nancy and Ms P went out at 0600.  I slept in until 0700.  The sun streaming through the slider woke me.  Temperature was 60.

First thing, Nancy headed out for her 3.5 mile walk.  I put on my bike clothes and had a quick breakfast before heading out on my Saturday bike ride.

Today I selected for the first time this year my Buttrick Ave ride.  I thought it was 8 miles.  Boy was I wrong it was 11 miles.  I encountered a lot of walkers and bikers on today’s ride.

I noted as I drove by the Cascade Cemetery that a lot of folks were placing flowers at relative’s grave sites.  I made a reminder to call my sister to see if we have someone cleaning up our family site in Alpena.

At home I shaved and showered.  Drove to Panera for a baguette and coffee.  Read my email and the Alpena News while sitting in Panera’s lot.

Today is the first day that NE Mi enjoys the lifting of many restrictions.  Restaurants and bars are open with many rules.  Photos in the Alpena News indicated that everyone was enjoying themselves.
Blast from past:

On the Saturday before Memorial Day in 1966 Nancy, Debbie and I were living in Redwood City, CA.  We had a third floor apartment at 875 Woodside Road.  I worked for a firm called Charles McCandless and Co in Palo Alto.  We had been working six days a week for the past three months.  I was looking forward to Saturday because I could finally sleep in.  About 0700 I thought the alarm had gone off.  I shouted at Nancy to turn the damn alarm off.  Nancy checked and found it was not our alarm but the Complex’s fire alarm.  

Nancy grabbed Debbie and headed out.  I delayed a fast departure because I could not find my cigarettes.

When we gathered in the Courtyard with the other tenants we noted that some neighbors were coming from different apartments.  Nancy and I were the only tenants with a child.  About 90% of tenants were single.  You can figure it out.

I tell several neighbors I was glad we had a renter’s policy.  Everyone was surprised that such a policy was available.  Our apartment was not damaged.


The temperature was 75 when I got home from Panera.  I opened the downstairs slider to get some fresh air.  Also wanted to let the outside air warm my office.  No electric heater today.

Instead of reading I decided to sweep the lower level deck.  A lot of garbage, leaves and other debris accumulated over the winter.  I filled a garbage bag with the sweeping.

Nancy was also working outside.  Getting the courtyard cleaned up. She also planted flowers.

Lunch and then I spent time reading.  Very short nap followed by apple snack.  Finished the afternoon with a short walk.

For dinner Nancy for first time this year fixed corn on the cob.  A sure sign summer is here.  Also finished the last slice of pizza from last night.

For dessert we drove to Culver’s.  Nancy got a cashew nut and caramel sundae, small.  I got a vanilla frozen custard, medium.  Great way to start the holiday weekend.

Tonight we switched immediately to Apple TV.  We watched an episode of Thorne and then Murder City.  We were disappointed and gave both shows a C.

It was in mid 60s when took Ms P out at 2200.  Tomorrow will be sunny with temps reaching the low 80s.  Hooray!

We talked to both Debbie and Missy tonight.  We gave a positive report.  Looking forward to Holiday weekend.

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