Saturday, May 2, 2020

Friday May 1, 2020

Friday May 1, 2020

Blog time 1320 sitting in office

Slept in until 0700.  The sun was streaming through the slider.  Nancy had been up awhile and was just heading out for her walk.  The temperature was in mid 40s.

I headed downstairs and did some calisthenics.  Put on my bike riding clothes before breakfast.  Nancy was just getting back from a 3.5 mile walk when I hopped on the bike.  Today I took the Bianchi and rode 9 miles.  Beautiful day for a bike ride.

At home I finished calisthenics before showering and dressing.  Headed downstairs to do my morning reading and finishing yesterday’s blog.

This and that:

64 years ago I graduated from High School.  It was a big deal with Baccalaureate on Sunday, Class Night on Wednesday and Graduation on Friday.  I attended a lot of parties.  My class size was slightly over 200. There were two HS in Alpena County.  The Catholic HS had about 80 graduates.

This year because of the Coronavirus no parties or ceremonies.  Read today that the school is trying to put together a graduation ceremony using Zoom.  This year’s class size is 262.  Today there is only 1 HS in the County.  Good luck.

The flowers in our courtyard are in full bloom.  Everywhere I look I see green.  It lifts one’s spirits.

This year the robins around our house look huge.  Must be all the earthworms that pop out of the ground after a rain.

Noted a pair of Geese with six new Goslings.

It looks like the Y and MVP will not open until at least June.  I know Nancy is missing her classes and swims at MVP.  

Normally the only piece of gym apparatus I need is a chin up bar.  I can do all my exercises at home.  No hardship for me.  I don’t even miss my time at Panera.  I now drink only 1/2 cup of coffee a day.

Judging by all the foot traffic passing our condo,  walking is the preferred exercise for folks while Sheltering in Place. 

Why did our legislature allow folks with guns in the Capitol Building?  It reflects poorly on our state when folks can see Gun toting thugs walking around  with guns.  Guns should not be allowed in Schools, Bars or legislative offices.

The press savaged Supreme Court Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings regarding his alleged sexual contacts during high school with another female student.  They seem to be handling Vice President Biden with kid gloves for the same behavior when both participants were adults.

After lunch today I took a nap followed by an apple snack.  For dinner tonight Nancy and I drove to Culver’s.  I ordered a cod sandwich, coleslaw and a medium frozen custard.  Nancy ordered a burger, coleslaw and a small hot fudge sundae.  We took it home and ate it at the kitchen table.  A really nice treat.

After dinner I took a short walk.  Tonight I did watch the Brooks and Shield debate on the PBS News Hour.  This is the best segment for the entire week.  I don’t think Judy Woodruff is very objective.

This evening we continued with another episode of Breakwater-Fell.  Nancy and I are having trouble getting a handle on this show.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us tonight.  We gave a positive report.

Temp in mid 50s when took Ms P out at 2200.  Tomorrow the temp will reach 70.  Great News!    

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