Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Monday May 4, 2020

Monday May 4, 2020

Blog time 1520 sitting in office.

Woke at 0630 and it looks like another sunny day.  However, it will be cool.  The temp at 0800 was 37.

Nancy headed out early for her 3.5 mile walk.  I headed downstairs and completed my calisthenics.  Breakfast, then bundled up and headed out on a 10.5 mile bike ride.

Got home at little after 1000.  Took a quick shower and then got in the car and headed to Holland.  We did stop at Panera so I could get a coffee and bagel.

The drive to Holland was pleasant.  Trees in bloom and every thing was green.  Green is good.

We drove around Holland looking at the tulips.  The blooms at Windmill Island were especially good.  We did not exit the car..

The 2.5 hour trip was just what we needed.  Cabin fever was setting in.  The trip cleared the fog.

Got home from Holland in time for lunch.  After lunch I headed downstairs to finish blog and read news.  Spent several hours in the office.  Not much new news to comment on.  The Coronavirus dominates.

Found time for a short nap.  We had a light dinner, cereal, black berries and a scone.  For dessert we finished the lava cake I got for my birthday.  It was good.

Fixed Nancy her cheese/cracker/pill snack.  After, I took a short walk.  With the long days we have plenty of daylight for an after dinner walk.

Lately my after dinner drink has been a glass of diet ginger ale with a shot of Ginger whiskey.  I am getting hooked.  Will I ever go back to my evening glass of wine?

Tonight we watched Midsomer Murder.  I think we should be running out of episodes soon.

Debbie and Missy called this evening.  We all gave a positive health report.

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