Monday, May 11, 2020

Sunday May 10, 2020

Sunday May 10, 2020

Blog time 1020 on Monday sitting in office, yes I am a day late.

We lucked out last night, no frost.  It was 42 when took Ms P out at 0630.  My weather app said that it would start raining at 1000 and continue all day.  Nancy and I decided we would get our walk and biking in before the rain.

Nancy headed out on a 3 mile walk.  I suited up and took a 7.25 mile bike ride.  Not much wind so the ride was pleasant.

Quick shower and breakfast.  Setup the iPad to YouTube and got prepared for the 0915 Trinity Lutheran service.  YouTube said 175 had signed in to the service, that translates to over 300 folks.  This is the 8th YouTube service.  It was Mother’s Day so special effort in the Homily to praise mothers.

Pastor Bob mentioned that folks would be watching in their pajamas.  Not me, I get dressed for the service.  Same with Nancy.

Today is Mother’s Day.  Like most boys I had a special relationship with my Mother.  When I was getting paid less than a classmate working for Dad, Mother corrected it.  In college and the Navy, Mother would write me weekly.  She never forgot a Valentines Day.   Of course being an old English teacher she sometimes would return a letter pointing out my grammar mistakes.  God Bless You Mom!

I really gained an appreciation for Mothers watching Nancy taking care of our kids.  She did things that I would never think of.

When living in CA, our apartment building caught fire.  The first thing Nancy did was grab Debbie and head out.  I spent time looking for my cigarettes.  Different mind set!

Debbie, Missy and Steve all gave Nancy a call today and wished her a Happy Mother’s Day.  She really appreciated it.

Called my Sister Helen in Gaylord to ask if she could remember anything special we did on Mother’s Day.  She could not.

Helen said that they had snow on the ground for three days.  She also mentioned on Thursday she noted her cheek was swollen in one big lump.  She thought it might be a stroke.  Jennifer drove her to Emergency.  The Emergency Doctor took one look and said she had a blocked saliva gland.  Helen is now on a heavy dose of antibiotics.  Kudos to the Emergency Doctor for his instance diagnosis.  Good luck Helen, we are all cheering for you.

It started raining at 1000 just like the app said.  It would continue on and off all day.

Lunch and then a nap.  After the nap I turned on Apple TV and started watching a John le Carrie movie starring Philip Seymour Hoffman.  Nancy soon joined me.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  This evening we watched 60 Minutes.  After, we returned to Apple TV and finished watching the movie.  We both gave it a B+.

Nancy headed to bed and I watched an episode of Bordertown before turning in.  It was getting cold when I took Ms P out at 2200.

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