Friday, May 15, 2020

Thursday May 14, 2020

Thursday May 14, 2020

Blog time 1300 sitting in office

It started raining after midnight and rained all night.  Got up at 0630 and checked my weather app.  We have a break in the rain until 0800.

Nancy and I hustled to get our walk and bike ride in before the rain.  We both left home at 0700.  

I took my short 8 mile route.  Today I did encounter a possum crossing the road.  The temperature was in mid 40s so the ride was pleasant.

Got home from the ride at 0800.  Nancy finished her walk several minutes after me.   Nancy walked 3 miles and I rode 8 miles both in 60 minutes.  According to our exercise apps Nancy burned 60 more calories than I did.   I think in order to be equivalent the bike ride must be 3 times longer than the walk, 3 mile walk vs 9 mile ride.

Heavy rain started at 0815.  We just made it.

I did my calisthenics before shaving and showering.  Had a late breakfast, 1000.  After I headed downstairs to the office.

This and that;

Why am I always suspicious of whistle blowers.

Nancy has been busy during our stay at home.  She has cleaned closets, drawers and this morning she spent several hours wrapping coins.

Unless it is an emergency I would not ride on an airplane unless the middle seat was empty.

With the days getting warmer traffic seems to be heavier.

The President and Speaker Pelosi seem to be in a constant battle.  Very tiring.

Investors from the USA have put in, by far, the largest amount of money into a French drug company working on a vaccine for the Coronavirus.  Because of their contributions Americans will be first in line.  French President Macron disagrees.

I took a nap this afternoon.  After the nap fixed our apple snack.

For dinner had sweet sour pork chops with rice.  All cooked in crock pot.    Very good.

After the news we watched an episode of Endeavor.  It was raining when took Ms P out at 2200.  It will rain all night and most of the morning.  Good news, we need the rain and temps will be in 50s all night.  Temp will reach 70 tomorrow.

Debbie and Missy called this evening checking up on the old folks.  We gave a positive report.


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