Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Tuesday May 26, 2020

Tuesday May 26, 2020

Blog time 1300 sitting in cool downstairs office.

Up at 0630.  Nancy had taken Ms P out and she was getting ready for her 3 mile walk.  The temperature was 70 so Nancy wore shorts.

I did my calisthenics before breakfast.  For the first time this year I wore shorts for my bike ride.  I continue riding my single speed 50+ year bike.  I like its simplicity.  Just peddle.

Today I took my standard weekday 10.5 mile ride.  Vehicular traffic was light but encountered many couples walking.  It was like “now that we have feasted all weekend we have to start a regular exercise routine”.

At home I shaved and showered.  This morning I cut my toenails.  This is my most difficult grooming task.  I am seriously considering going to a nail salon to get the toenails cut.  I must be entering my Sissy phase.

This morning I ran some errands.  Stopped at Panera for coffee and a bagel.  At Macatawa’s ATM got money for Kim who cleans this Friday.  Left some pants off at tailor to get suspender buttons put on.  Final stop Harvest Health to get chocolate bars with 88% cocoa.

Spent remainder of morning in office reading the news and checking email.  Finished yesterday’s blog and started todays.

Temperature was in 90s today.  Many folks complain but not me.  90 is great.

Lunch and then sat in living and continued reading the WSJ.  Dozed off several times before Nancy told me to take a nap.

After the nap fixed apple snack.  Finished the afternoon with a short walk.  

For dinner Nancy fixed pork chops with stuffing and corn on the cob.  After the dishes fixed Nancy her cheese/cracker/pill snack.  I had a sugar free oatmeal cookie.  Voortman the maker of the cookies must have changed their recipe.  Not as crunchy or tasty.

Tonight we watched an episode of Thorne on Acorn.  I gave this episode a B.

Rain was predicted for early evening.  It did not happen.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  Debbie is sweltering in 90 degree heat while Missy in LA is 20 degrees cooler.  We gave the girls a positive health report.  Rain and a cooling trend is coming.


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