Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Tuesday May 19, 2020

Tuesday May 19, 2020

Blog time 1345 sitting in office

I slept in until 0700.  Nancy had already taken Ms P out and was getting ready for her 3 mile walk.  The weather was cool, 56, and windy 16 mph. The good news the rain is over.

I headed downstairs and completed my calisthenics.  Breakfast and then got ready for my bike ride.  I put on my knickers but when I went outside I realized it was too cold.  Went back downstairs and put on long pants.

This morning I took my 10.5 mile route.  With all the rain we have had I noted mud puddles everywhere.  Every depression was filled with water. Shaved and showered as soon as I got home.  

Nancy wanted to get some items from the Dollar Tree.  I said would drive her but first had to get coffee at Panera.  

While Nancy was shopping.  I sat in the car listening to 50s music, drinking coffee and enjoying the heated seats.  I get chilled riding my bike so it I enjoy the heated seats.  

Nancy’s sweet tooth is raging so we stopped at Sugar Momma to get her a lemon bar.  She bought me an oatmeal raisin cookie.

As soon as we got home I headed to the office.  Turned the electric heater on and read the news and my emails.  Finished yesterday’s blog.

Today I had a late lunch, 1330.  I was still chilled so I turned my electric blanket on high and took a nap.

Apple snack before dinner.  Tonight I had clam chowder, a biscuit and coleslaw.  Very tasty. Took a short walk.

We had our after dinner snacks and watched the news and Jeopardy.  We started watching NCIS before realizing it was a rerun.  

Turned on the Apple TV and started watching Agatha Raisin on Acorn.  Halfway through the show I got a message from Jennifer Dougherty.  Jennifer said that she had heard that two dams on the Tittabawassee River in Midland County had failed.  

The Edenville Dam immediately upstream from the Curtis Road Bridge was the first to fail.  We had designed the Curtis Road Bridge.

The Sanford Dam immediately upstream from the Meridan Road Bridge.  We had also designed the Meridan Road Bridge.  

We checked various Midland County Agencies Facebook page and websites.  We found out that 10,000 folks had been evacuated.  M30 and other roads were closed due to flooding.  The status of the Curtis and Meridan Road bridges was not noted. 

The City of Midland would likely have their sewage plant flooded.  Major flooding in downtown Midland was foreseen.  The City Manager of Midland said the storm event that caused the dam failures was a once in 500 year event.

After exhausting all possible news source we called it a night.  I will call her tomorrow afternoon to compare notes.

April and May have sure been unusual months unlike any I have seen in my 82 years.  However, as they say in the kidney stone business “this too shall pass”.

Debbie FaceTimed us early tonight.  We gave a positive report.

It was mild, mid 50s, when took Ms P out at 2230.  Sun and temps near 70 for tomorrow.  About time!

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