Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Monday May 18, 2020

Monday May 18, 2020

Blog time 1130 sitting in office

It rained all night.  Nancy took Ms P out at 0600 and it was still raining.  Rain will continue all day.  Temperature was in mid 50s.  If we are lucky the temperature might reach 60 today.

Nancy said it was not raining hard so she headed out on a short walk.  It started to pour halfway through her walk.  She got soaked.  Her only comment was “from now on I will believe the weather app on my iPhone”.

First thing I did was head downstairs and complete my calisthenics.  Shaved and showered before driving to Panera to get coffee.

This morning we are expecting Jacobson Heating and Cooling to check out our AC unit.  The appointment window is between 0900 and 1100.  He arrived exactly at 0900.  Our AC is old but in good working order.  He observed all the safety precautions, mask and protective clothing.

I had a quick breakfast before heading down to the office.  Did my daily reading and finished yesterday’s blog.  I have now written over 3,600 blogs.  A great cure for insomnia.

The Coronavirus still dominates the news although we are seeing a lot of political ads on TV.  China is also getting a lot of press.  China’s retaliatory actions against Australia because they like many other countries want an investigation into China’s early reporting on the Coronavirus epidemic.  The tariffs they imposed is a major case of bullying.  Other Democratic countries should take notice.

Today I had an early lunch because this afternoon I have an appointment with my Optometrist.  The Doctor’s office has strict procedures for any visitation.  

After I parked in their structure I phoned the office and said I was outside.  They gave me the go-ahead to visit.  A nurse met me just outside the door to the office.  She took my temperature and said I could enter.  I was required to wear my mask.  

Short wait in their waiting room.  I was the only one in this area.  No magazines for reading.  Bummer.

Dr Anderson gave me a through examine.  Bottom line, everything is ok.  Made an appointment for May 20, 2021.

At home I put on my raincoat and took a 2 mile walk.  No nap today but I did fix our apple snack.

We had a light dinner, Cheerios with strawberries and English muffins.  After I fixed Nancy her cheese/cracker/pill snack.

After watching the news and Jeopardy we switched to the den.  We watched two episodes of a new series on Prime.  The show is called Thorne.  DI Thorne is chasing a serial killer.  We both liked it.

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